Daily Update-June 17, 2018

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Hey guys!
Happy Fathers Day for people who are celebrating it today (I think for most people Father's Day is today). I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but I promise that I will try from this day on to do it more regularly. Just to make up for not updating sooner I will write an extra long update today with what has been happening with Tala and I lately.

Since I have last talked to you guys I have meditated more and I have started to go on daily walks into the woods to help my animal soul relax. I feel her more than ever and shifting occurs more and it can be hard for me to contain. I help control my shifts by trying to let my animal soul take over more so that she hopefully doesn't have the need to shift when I need her not to in public. I will admit that it is sometimes a struggle in public to contain Tala due to our annoying habit of loving people and also being very curious. I swear she is more curious than me and that's amazing😂 one time when I accidentally shifted in my house (thankfully no one was home) Tala just was fascinated with the couch and how it
smelled of leather. When the shift ended I thought it was hilarious thankfully she didn't chew on the couch!

I have also learned more about Tala's fascinating interest with water. I said in my earlier updates that Tala loved rain well now every-time I see water when I am hiking I either have a mental shift or a phantom shift. Phantom shifts are so uncomfortable for me because I usually feel bigger teeth and a tail and I can't sit or close my mouth and it is really annoying😂.

When I am meditating I see myself as Tala running through the woods under trees and over meadows. I feel at peace when meditating and it also gives me the opportunity to talk with Tala and check on how she is doing (try to ask your therotype what they need or if you need to do something else a happy therotype is good for everybody)! Lately though I have felt another presence in my meditations and I don't know if it is another therotype. I will keep you guys updated on that.

Finally, I am going to make a list about somethings about myself.

-Live in the United States
-Currently enrolled in high school
-I am a female
-Play Lacrosse and I am a ski racer

Well I think I will end it here for today! Thank you guys so much for reading and please message and comment me I love talking with you guys! Also if you guys have suggestions for me to write about I will gladly take them!

Lexi and Tala🐾

My Therian Guide/JournalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ