Daily Update- May 14, 2018

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Hey guys!
I'm back and it is pouring where I am and Tala won't stop bothering me to go outside. She must have loved rain in her last life. I wanted to talk a little about how the weather affects the mood of our therotypes. Tala loves the cold and rainy weather, but she gets crabby when the weather is too hot or if it's very humid out. Does anybody else notice these things?

I haven't learned much more about Tala but she's most active when I'm at school or when I'm sitting in my backyard. I have no idea why she's active at school but she's a comforting presence to my stressful day. Do you guys have any advice for me about why she is more active at school? For me that's the last place I would be active😂.

I have tried to tell my family I am a Therian, but they are not accepting of anything so I have always been too scared to tell them. I really want to get a tail to express how much I care about Tala, but I could never order one. I am currently trying to DIY one, but if anyone has any advice I'm all ears. I'll talk with you guys later! Thanks for letting me ask questions!


Lexi and Tala🐾

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