Daily update May 21th 2018

123 8 4

Hey guys!
Today I'm sitting outside at my cousins graduation party and Tala is making me a little angry because all she wants to do is run around outside and I have to restrain her. I do not like restraining Tala, but I have to because if she shifts I will have a lot of explaining to do. Tala is a very shy wolf so I doubt she would hurt anyone she would just run away into the woods. All she wants to do is run with a pack and the instinct is so strong that when I run with other humans that do not know about my Therianthropy tend to be a little confused because Tala is just so excited about running with others. I try and run with a group or with my lacrosse team and it helps, but Tala is a pack animal and I do not know how much running with humans is helping.  How does a pack animal survive without a pack? I have yet to answer this question.

In positive news I got the chance to mediate outside this weekend and the weather was so nice that I shifted and let Tala have control for an hour. I can remember trees and the river. Tala was so happy it was rewarding to let her out and just be myself with her for a bit before I had to drag myself out of the woods and back to reality. It is hard to deny the wishes of your therotype.

I might update later tonight because I might go for a run in the woods and see if Tala is interested in shifting again.

Love you guys!


Lexi and Tala

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