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Hello Guys!! Happy New Year!!!

I am finally back and I wanted to update you guys on what's happening today. So the reason that I haven't updated in a while is because this summer I was super busy with work, and then school just started and I have been super busy with school work. Junior year is going to kill me. Tala and I are doing well and I have been going on many runs in the woods to help balance out my therotype and my human side. I have also improved my meditation I can now speak with Tala in my mind and we have connected so well. Now it's easy to loose myself in my therotype because we are one. One especially momentous mediation I was meditating and I saw a completely vivid scene with a waterfall that was shinning under the sun. The smell of wildflowers in a field filled with different hues of color including yellow, pink, and white flowers. Trees and pine needles cover the forest floor and protect my paws as I run through the forest. As I am running I am smelling and seeing everything my ears are hearing the woosh of the wind and the slashing of water from the waterfall and river. It was a slice of heaven. I never wanted to leave. Tala slowed down and I looked up at the sky to see it filled with white clouds and the sun. It was gorgeous. The scene reminded me of when I was younger and My family and I would take trips in the woods in northern Wisconsin. It was so peaceful it felt like home. That meditation yielded the best results and most vivid memory/scene.

As I continue my life as a secret therian there is also something that really bothers me. When I look online for meditations I find some just music and other with a walkthrough process but never one with a wolf. I know that I probably won't find a perfect meditation for what I want and for the purpose of letting my animal side have some fun. All the same it would be nice to find at least one. Let me know if you guys know any good ones! Also when I was on my break a fellow therian WitchCraft-Cali told me about a cool idea that I could do on my journal. WitchCraft-Cali suggested that I open up a therian chat board on my journal so that we all could just talk and meet each other. I think it's a pretty great idea! Message me and let me know what you guys think!

Love you guys thanks for understanding me taking a break from Wattpad. I appreciate you all and love posting my journal!

Lexi and Tala🐾

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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