Daily Update- May 16th 2018

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Hey, guys, it's Lexi!

I wanted to write more about myself and my therotype. I was able to meditate last night and I learned some new stuff about Tala I believe that Tala was shot by hunters. The memory of her death was horrible I could feel the bullet hit her chest and how she felt when she was dying, and it made me very ill and I came out of the meditation crying. My dad has a gun safe in the basement and now every time I pass it I get scared and nervous. I don't think Tala was the alpha female of her pack. Because in my normal everyday life I have a very aggressive personality, but Tala is more reserved and wants no conflict.


Physical traits:
-Grey and white fur
-Yellow eyes


Also in other news, I may have another therotype! In last nights meditation, I felt another presence but haven't discovered anything yet. I am in a good state
with Tala right now so I don't know if I want another therotype. I say that now but if I do have another soul I will love them just like I learned to love Tala. How many of you guys are polytherians?


I am currently in English and I am so bored beacuse we do nothing. I have been looking up forest pictures on my laptop to connect with Tala and she is loving the forest. Goodbye for now guys!


Lexi and Tala🐾

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