More about my Therian/Shifting

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Hi guys I'm back! I have meditated a lot and I wanted to update everybody on my therotype. As I said in my last post I have recently found out that I am a grey wolf Therian. I have meditated for the last week and I have found my Therians name! Her name is Tala. She has a light grey color coat and yellowish eyes. Ever since I accepted her existence I feel her so much more often. In the day I'll be walking and she will come up and I have to dig my nails into my skin to keep her from shifting in public.

That brings us to shifting. There are 7 different types of shifting.

1. Mental shift
Takes place when your human mind reverts to your animal side. They then begin to act like their animal (howling, whimpering, cawing, etc..).

2. Phantom shifting
Phantom shifting occurs when a Therian feels one of their animals limbs. For example a wolf Therian would feel their tail or ears (personally I have only felt ears so far). A cat Therian would feel their whiskers . Bull Therian would feel horns.

3. Dream shifting
Dream shifting occurs when you transform into your Therian in your dreams.

4. Cameo shifting
When a Therian experiences shifts, but from an animal that is not there therotype. So a cat Therian would shift into a Fox Therian.

5. Astral shifting
This type of shifting occurs when a Therian is in deep meditation.

6. Sensory shift
When your senses match your Therians senses. Wolf Therian would bear and smell better, or a bat Therian would hear better and see worse.

7. Physical shift
This is a shift where the Therian shifts into their animal. REMINDER: We are born into human bodies no one can shift into their Therian animal type (I wish we could change into our Therian type).

Love you guys!

Lexi and Tala🐾

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