How to express your Therian

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Hey guys!

So today I thought I would write about how to express your therotype. One of the hardest things that Therians go through is trying to express their inner animal. Being able to express your therotype all depends on what kind of animal your therotype is. If you are a wolf Therians you can wear a tail or ears to express your wolf. A cat Therian would also have a tail or ears. Bat Therians would have attachable wings and claws. Bull Therians would have horns and hooves to put on. It all depends on your Therian.

Another thing you can do is entertain your therotype is set up things for him/her to do. If you are a predatory animal set up a mini hunting game where you could be stalking and pounce on a stuffed animal of prey. You can pick stuffed animals based on what your therotypes like to hunt. You can also go for runs and spend time trying to hunt real prey based on what your therotype is and what environment he/she likes.

Water Therians can go swimming in different pools and lakes to help your therotype feel more at home. Predatory water Therians can throw sinking toys into the water and hunt in the water. One thing about water Therians if you are a water Therian please remember to BRING YOURSELF UP FOR AIR. We would all love to transform into our therotypes but we are still in human bodies and it can be hard when you get in the water to drag your therotype away, but you have to take care of yourselves so control the shift!

Bird Therians can try and satisfy the urge to fly by watching videos of heights and seeing if that will help your therotype, or climb a tree and enjoy the wind blowing near your face. Another things that predatory bird Therians can do is also hunt for prey by putting a stuffed animal or something on the ground and trying to dive and grab it from a higher place. Also bird Therians STAY SAFE!

If you are a herbivore Therian like a deer or a horse you can scavenge for food and also run and jump. As a deer therian you can go searching in the environment for different things that maybe your therian like to eat, but just don't eat anything that's not safe. As a horse therian you can practice running and jumping over hurdles or trees. Sheep Therians can roam around a field and let their therotypes take over.

Again guys expressing your therotype is all up to you guys and how you want to do it! It also depends on what breed your therotype is! Bye for now guys!

Love, Lexi and Tala🐾

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