Shifting (daily update)- June 24, 2018

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Hey fellow therians!

So far this week I have had 2 mental shifts and 1 dream shift.

My dream shift this week was very vivid and I remember all of it. It started with me racing through the forest. I could feel the dirt and moss on my paws as I sprinted through the forest. The world was at peace in this shift very calm. I stopped running enough to catch my breath and feel my heart beating through my chest as I watched a deer drinking from a nearby river. It's hair moving softly as it bent down and took a drink. I knelt down near a bush and just watched the deer. Somehow in this dream/shift I had new instincts that I never knew were there like moving my scent upwind so the deer couldn't smell me. Also,  I quieted the sounds of my footfalls as I moved closer to the deer. The thing that surprised me was that I never attacked the deer I just watched it drinking from the river and then it eventually left and I never once attacked or moved from the bush. I don't know what this tells me about Tala, but I think that she is more submissive in the sense that she would never attack without back up or a pack with her. I think I have always known that Tala is more submissive because of the way that I feel when I am dealing with a conflict. Part of me wants to confront the conflict head on and stop it with force but then also there is a part of me that shyly wants to back down and leave the problem alone.

My mental shifts have been occurring almost every 2-3 days. I will be in a crowd and get freaked out from all the people and run of and howl and whimper in a corner. Or, I will be playing with dogs that I volunteer with and we have a strange and strong connection to them. I experience mental shifts more than phantom shifts. I have no idea why I was trying to look into that. I guess everyones therotypes are different and that could be the reason.

Another thing I have noticed is that I believe that I am a poly therian.  I feel another presence in my mind and I have no idea what kind of animal it is. I think it is a type of feline. I will try and mediate tonight!


Lexi and Tala🐾

P.S. Thank you guys so much for reading my journals and stuff you guys are my pack so it's nice to hear from you guys! ❤️

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