Trust (Suicidal!Kokichi Ouma x Reader)

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I felt so bad while making dis, god y :'D


"Hey, Ouma!" You greeted as you knocked loudly on his door. "We're gonna be late again!" You yelled. "Just a second!" He yelled back. After five minutes, he finally got out. "Finally," you crossed your eyes. "Nishishi! An important person like me needs all their time to prepare! As the Ultimate Supreme Leader, I can't rule the world with an empty stomach!" He states. "And as the Ultimate I'm Gonna Be Late Because Of You, we're gonna be late agai― What the!? Kokichi!?" You grabbed his arm. "What?" He asked. "Is this blood!?" You pointed to the crimson stain on his sleeve. "Huh? No, silly! That's ketchup! I had a burger this morning!" He laughed. "...okay."

Yes, he was a liar. Kokichi Ouma was the biggest liar you knew. You could barely tell if he was lying or not. But that was definitely a lie.

You barely knew him, he rarely trusts anyone. But you seem to have earned his trust. Or so you think.

Kokichi Ouma, was the total embodiment of a lie. Or so your friends think. He was a prankster, a dick, a very annoying person. But, he wasn't that bad. He is selfless, and only a few people can understand him. Or, maybe you don't.

"Ow!" You bumped into a street post. "Man, are you blind now?" Kokichi snickered. "Screw you," you scowled. Dismissing his behavior, you ran to class as you both parted ways from the gate. "See you at lunch, Ouma!" You waved.


"Ouma!" You yelled outside of his classroom. "It's lunch, come on!" He opens the classroom door, crying. "O-Ouma!? Are y-you okay!?" You asked. He soon puts up a bright smile. "Duh! I just used my crocodile tears to make someone give me their panta, don't worry!" He raises a bottle of Panta into the air triumphantly. "...okay?"

You both made it to the roof. "So, you have Science with Ms. Sonia, right?" You asked. "Yeah," he shrugged. His arms seem...limp. "Hey, are you okay?" You poked his wrist. He winces a bit. "Of course I am!" He smiles.


Weeks have passed, Kokichi is just getting worse. You're...getting worried.

"(Nickname)-chaaan!" Kokichi calls. "What is it, Ouma-kun?" You asked. "Let's play a game with Saihara-chan!" Kokichi motions to Shuichi. "A-As long as it isn't a dangerous game..." Shuichi stuttered. "Aaaalright!" Kokichi says. "So, uh, what game?" You asked. "The knife game!" He grabs a knife out of nowhere. "Your lives are on the line, yeah?" Well, he's obviously lying. "O-Ouma-kun, isn't that a little dangerous? Y-You might get hurt!" Shuichi said. "Don't worry, I'll go first anyway!" He raises the knife. "Three, two, one, go!" He starts humming a tune as he swiftly stabs the knife in between his fingers. He's fast, what if he gets hurt?

"O-Ouma-kun!" Shuichi yelled. "Oh my god, Ouma, are you okay?" You rushed to him. He smiles. "I'm fine! It's just a little wound!"


The words 'I'm fine'...

Those are the words he keeps telling to himself and to others.

You knew too well that he wasn't fine.

"No you're not, come on, let's go to the Nurse's office."

"Seriously, (Nickname)-chan, I'm fine―"

"No you're not."

You said sternly and dragged him to the Nurse's office.


"That should do it," Ms. Mikan smiled. "Thank you, Ms. Tsumiki," you smiled. "Really, (Y/n), it was just a little wound," Kokichi sighed. "...just don't hurt yourself too much," you said, avoiding his gaze.


"Kokichiii!" You called out again. "We're gonna be late!"

No answer.



Since you were his best friend, he really doesn't mind you barging in. So you did. You got his keys from under a mat and stepped inside.

"Kokichi!" You yelled. "Kokichi, come on! We're gonna be late-"


"K-Kokichi!?" You ran upstairs to see him without his sleeves on, several wounds covered his arms and legs, while his face was looking down. "Get out, (L/n)-chan," he said seriously. "K-Kokichi!" You scurried over to him. "Wh-What happened to you!?" It was pretty obvious, you didn't even know why you asked. "...Harukawa-chan's cat scratched me yesterday and I tripped just now and now it's bleeding," he said, attempting to hide his lying face. "Kokichi..." you sighed. "I'm fine," he finally looks up at you with blank eyes. You grabbed the knife sitting beside him and threw it away. "You should have told me about this..." you said, getting a first aid kit. "..I didn't want you to worry," his voice cracked. "I'm worthless," he started sobbing quietly.

"Shut up."

Kokichi looks at you with wide eyes. "..huh?" "Shut up. I don't want you ever telling that to yourself ever again. Is that clear?" He nods timidly. You tended his wounds, and when you were done, you hugged him. "Hear me out. You're not worthless, or pathetic, or anything bad. You're Kokichi Ouma. You're the most interesting person I know, and you're my best friend..." you whispered in his ear while stroking his soft, purple hair. "And I care about you...a lot..." you sighed. He smiles subtly. "Don't ever harm yourself again or I'll...I'll...I'll hang myself," you said. "...okay...I'll try not to be too self-loathing..." he gently hugs back.

You finally earned his trust.


Aaalright! Up next? It's a secret~ Nishishi―

Ouma what did I tell you about using my account?

Alright, alright, jeez. You're no fun.

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