Merry Krismas

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"(Nickname)-channnn!" A purple gremlin called out, jumping excitedly on your couch. "What is it, Ouma-kun?" You asked, walking towards him. "i FoUnD a DeLtArUnE mEmE wItH sUsIe YeLlInG hiT OR MISS!" He excitedly said. "Sweet. Lemme see." You smiled, sitting beside him.

You both watched the meme, and you both bursted out laughing at the animation. It

"Hey, (Nickname)-chan!" Kokichi called, smiling. "Today is Christmas and all, soooo..."

"Oh, right! I have a gift for you!" You piped up. "I do too!" He excitedly said.

The two of you got up and headed to the living room, taking a look at the Christmas Tree.

The tree was simple, and under it were some presents. You grabbed his gift and handed it to him. He takes it and tears the purple floral wrapping apart, leaving nothing but torn bits of it.

What laid inside made the boy joyful, for it was a purple shirt saying, “I'm the Supreme Leader!”

"Aww! This is perfect! Thank you, (Y/n)-chan!" He grinned, hugging you. "Wait a minute."

He then looks at your shirt, realizing it was (Favorite Color) with the words “I belong to the Supreme Leader” written on it.

"You really are mine!" He hugs you tighter. "I love you."

You giggle.

"Merry Christmas, Ouma-kun."


ok u h

im not ded yet lmao

"nO oNe CaReS!!!1!11!1!1"

as of now requests r closed
cuz der r like (35 – 23) requests i havent done yet
u h sorry for not updating
me and my lazy ass have been busy
(oh the paradox-)
ok ill go now bye

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