Lilac (part 2)

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He took off his jacket as soon as he got into his large office; where within there was a sofa and table. A large portrait of a middle-aged man hung on the wall, a few honorary awards lined on a table and a few artistic touches to the decoration. He left the jacket on the sofa and unbuttoned his sleeves. He folded the sleeves up to his elbow and loosened his tie up a bit. He roughly ran his hand through his stubble. He had his seat on his chair behind his desk, before taking in a deep breath.

You're in control.

He told himself as he shut his eyes for a second to calm his nerves. He wondered why he was so nervous. Any attachment between the two of them had long ended nine years ago. He was now Enrico Vos, the CEO of a world-renowned wine producing company. He was a big deal. He was, now, a different man and not the same weird kid in high school from nine years ago.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." He ordered, his own voice sounding strange in his ears. He cleared his throat before the door opened and he looked up.

A young woman dressed in a tight grey and skimpy dress walked in. Her dress had a v-neck shape added to it, exposing the top of her bosoms. As she approached him, her long and pointy heels made sounds on the tiled floor. She had a black shoulder length hair with a messy and wavy style added to it. Her makeup was on another level as her lips beamed with an audacious red lipstick.

A smirk grew at the corner of his lips. He knew her type.

"Good morning...Mr. Vos." She greeted a bit seductively as she had her seat and crossed her legs exposing her thighs and long legs.

He broadened his smile.

"And you are?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Jessica Fernando." She stated, still going on with her stunt.

"Good." Enrico replied as he nodded before looking away from her and unto the résumé in front of him.

"It states here that you've worked at a wine producing company. Which one if I may ask?" Enrico asked wanting to know more.

"A bar."

"I'm sorry?"

She gave a light chuckle.

"Oh come on, Mr. Vos..." She started as she drew closer to him, stretching her hand towards his and lightly stroking it.

"I worked at a bar. I know my way around drinks...isn't it all that matters?" She asked a puzzling question. He couldn't wipe the amusement on his face.

"I'm looking for an assistant and not a bartender." He simply told her and watched, as the smile on her face almost vanished but somehow she managed to keep it up.

She gently stood to her feet and leaned forward a little seductively so her bosoms were showing. She stretched out her hand to his and tried to seductively caress his arms with her long fingers. He noticed her new action.

"I know the kind of man that you are, Enrico Vos. Why don't you give me this job and I'll give you what you want in return? What do you say?" She dared to wager; he looked from her hand on his to her daring eyes. A mischievous smile grew across his face.

* * *

Kiana sat nervously beside four other applicants. She rubbed her sweaty palms together and brushed her hair once more with her hand. The wait was killing her. She thought of what she would do if this job doesn't work out, but then again, she assured herself it was going to work out. She had all the necessary certificates. She was dressed appropriately. All she needed to do was speak up confidently and nothing would go wrong.

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