Poinsettia (part 2)

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"What if that's what I want?" He asked and Sofia took in a deep breath, before slightly turning to him.

"Don't you get it, Enrico? It's not a matter of what you want. It's a matter of what's best for you and no one else other than your mother and I know what's best for you. Trust me." She commented, before attempting to walk away once more.

"Trust you?" Enrico questioned, causing her to come to a halt once more. He let out a light chuckle as he looked away from her for a moment. Her words were quite unbelievable. Sofia turned to face him.

"I suppose, once upon a time, I trusted you but then, you became exactly like her... my mother. Always wanting to dictate my life. What I should eat. Whom I should date. What school I'm to attend. What friends to make... Whom I should love." Enrico expressed, whilst staring directly into her eyes. A lot of memories surfaced and he really couldn't help getting teary, although he fought it a lot within him.

Sofia slightly tilted her head to the side, a sad and pitiful expression slowly drawing across her face.

"Oh Enrico... Don't." She stated, nearly in a whisper, the tone of her voice a little caring. Enrico gulped down hard to stop the tears as he looked away from her.

"Don't make this hard for her... Don't fall in love with her." She cautioned, her very last words causing him to shift his eyes right back to her. He never mentioned he was in love with Kiana. He never said such a thing, yet he couldn't open his mouth to counter her conclusion. Perhaps, deep down, he knew her conclusion might be right.

"You're our family's sole heir and thus, you have responsibilities. That's why your mother and I are tough on you. Without all the sacrifices we made, you wouldn't have become the successful business man that you presently are, but this very woman... what did she ever do for you? She abandoned you with a broken heart and now, she's back after all these years. What does that tell you, Enrico... She's only here for the money. You're rich, thus, she wants you back into her life."

"Kiana isn't like that." Enrico quickly defended, his heartbeat increasing by the second, engulfed in rage by his aunt's choice of words.

"Really?" Sofia questioned before taking steps up to him. She slightly bent, resting both hands on his desk, so she was staring right into his eyes.

"Listen to me, son, before it's too late... Cut her off. Send her packing out of your home. If you're truly in love with her, you'll spare her from my wrath... wouldn't you?" She questioned, her last words clearly threatening. Enrico folded his hands into a tight fist, his nails digging into his palms. His heart raced with contempt. He glared at her loathly, hating the very fact of his helplessness.

Sofia stood straight, then put on a simple smile.

"I trust you'll do the right thing." She commented before turning away. Enrico watched, as she walked away and eventually left his office.

He released a breath, one he had no idea he had been holding in. Each panting a bit weakening. Eventually, he looked away from the door.

* * *

Without taking a look back or to her sides, Sofia made her way past the assistant's station, which, at that moment, was unoccupied by any being. A few steps away, she heard the familiar name causing her to come to a stop.

"Kiana, here it is." A male employee told Kiana, as he handed her a few folders, whilst she stood by his desk.

"Thank you." She appreciated before walking away, trying her best not to let the folders crumble to the floor out of her hands.

Sofia eventually turned to have a look at where the direction of the voice came from, but now staring around, she couldn't pinpoint any more although she noticed Enrico's assistant walk up to her desk and set the folders there. Sofia let out a sigh, as she got ready to give up. At the verge of turning away, the name repeats itself once more.

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