Snapdragons (part 2)

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Does he know the truth already?

She couldn't help asking herself. She had forgotten the one fact that she was just about to tell him everything. She wouldn't lie about the fact that it scared her each time she thought of him finding out the truth from someone else. First and foremost, he would truly be hurt. It would break her heart to see him hurt. The thought of it all felt like an excruciating pain.

Suddenly, a slow but sure smile played across his face.

"Could this something possibly be about the fact that you... have always been in love with me?" He asked with a bright smile, as he played with the food in front of him and for some reason, Kiana couldn't help, but stare at him. He seemed so peaceful and innocent. If only he understood the one part that the truth was farther than his assumption.

She gulped down hard as she lowered her eyes in shame upon recollecting everything that happened. She knew she needed to tell him, but she just realised how embarrassed and ashamed she is regarding what she had done. One thing was sure and it was the fact that Enrico didn't deserve any of that. She, at least, owed him this one fact of telling him the truth. He might be upset with her, but at least, he would know the entire truth and if he forgave her, their relationship would really start off on a good pace.

She took in a deep breath, gathering enough courage, before immediately looking up to him.

"I..." She started, but was interrupted by the ringing tone of his phone. She watched as he took one look at his phone and noticed how the expression on his face changed before he set the phone aside once more then looked up to her.

He tried his best to put up an assuring smile.

"You were saying?" He asked, a clear demand for her to continue, regardless of the fact that his phone was ringing.

It felt a little strange, but she decided to play along as the ringing tune eventually stopped playing.

"I should have told you a long time ago. I..." His phone rang once more and she watched him spare the caller ID one more glance, then setting it aside again. He put up the same smile for her to go on, but she knew she couldn't.

What she was about to confess needed concentration and at the moment, she was a little bothered about whom he might on purpose be ignoring.

"It's okay to pick the call."

"It's not important." He replied right away and eventually the tune stopped.

Unknowingly, Kiana let out a silent sigh, as she looked away from him.

"Are you okay?" Enrico asked, as he noticed a little difference in her.

She instantly shifted her eyes back to him in an attempt to reply to his question, but the ringing tune of his phone began playing once more. They both shifted their gaze to the phone on the table. Enrico looked away from it and Kiana could see the same subtle reaction once more on his face. She knew she had to ask.

"Who is it?" She asked and after a moment of silence, he spoke.

"My mother." He stated as he focused on his food in an attempt to distract himself from the rising topic.

At the mention of Giulia, Kiana could feel her heart sink in with fear. Her hands slightly began shaking and she had to slowly retract them under the table, in her lap, away from his prying eyes.

"Per... perhaps, you should pick it. She has been calling continuously. There's a possibility that she might need your help..."

"She doesn't. Look... My mother is a little demanding and..." Suddenly, he paused for a moment and stared blankly at her. Kiana felt a little confused as to what was going on in his mind. Suddenly, he picked up the phone and answered the call, bringing the phone close to his ear, a little to her surprise.

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