Peony (part 2)

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Kiana found herself making her way towards the same entrance she came through into the hotel. She felt a little depressed about the new situation she found herself in. Earlier, she found out that she truly loved Enrico and made a decision to let him know of her feelings, but it seemed all the forces of the world were against her. They aren't able to grant her this one wish of seeing Enrico and telling him the truth. Just this one wish.

Suddenly, she sighted Enrico as he walked out of the bar and began making his way towards the exit out of the hotel. Her eyes slowly lit up with excitement at the realisation that he was there after all. Her heart didn't tell her a lie. He was indeed there. A smile drew across her face. Sooner than later, she realised he hadn't seen her, so kept at his pace of walking away. Kiana knew she would have to hasten her steps, if she was going to catch up with him.

"Enrico." She called, but he didn't hear and made his way right out of the building. His legs were longer than hers and his strides, faster. She understood she would have to go faster than she already was.

"Enrico." She called out once more, in an attempt to catch his attention. For him to understand that she was indeed there but again, he hadn't heard her. Kiana made her way right out of the building and they were both outside.

She instantly caught sight of him attempting to cross to the other side of the street where he parked his car.

"Enrico." She called once more but again, for some reason, he didn't hear her. It made her wonder what was going on in his mind. After looking left and right for safety reasons, he crossed the street.

Kiana knew she would have to immediately do the same if not, she might lose him again. She had finally understood how precious time was and she didn't want to waste a second in doing what needed to be done.

Whilst her eyes remained on Enrico attempting to get into the car, Kiana quickly took the next step to cross the street.

A honking sound from a car was the only thing that snapped her out of her thoughts and forced her to turn to the fast approaching car. The bright lights from the headlight clearly blinded her vision for the moment. Her heart thumped louder within her chest. Her entire life flashed before her eyes, but all Kiana could continuously think of as she neared her doom, was the fact that she never got to tell Enrico just how much she wanted to be with him. She never said those amazing three words to him. She never got her one true wish.

* * *

Suddenly, Enrico felt a little strange as he held on to the door handle of his car and the loud honking sound from the car that just drove past him didn't make him feel any better. For some reason, he felt he had to take a look at what was going. His eyes slowly widened, as he realised who the honking was meant for.


* * *

The driver applied an immediate brake and the car came to a screeching halt. Kiana found herself giving up on gravity and falling to the ground beneath her feet. For a moment, her hearing went a little blank and her vision a little blurry. As she struggled in an attempt to pick herself up, regardless of the new-found pain she had begun feeling, Kiana raised her eyes and that's when she caught sight of the familiar face approaching her. Her eyes remained on him, while her vision and hearing slowly returned to normal.

She watched as he crouched down to her level and placed his hands on her. His lips moved, but Kiana could hear nothing. She could only stare as everything seemed to play out in slow motion before her eyes. A few people had gathered to witness the scene that played out, but just like the man beside her, they all seemed to appear a little blurred.

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