Forget-Me-Not (part 2)

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Two women walked towards Kiana that early evening with their bags swung over their shoulders.

"Ana, aren't you leaving yet? We could leave together." The older looking one asked her, just as they stood in front of her desk.

Kiana looked up to them, away from what she was doing. She took a slight look around and realised everyone had retired for the day. She had buried herself in work throughout the day that she barely noticed when time flew by. She didn't want to think too much. She tried her best to avoid being idle which might lead her back to worrying about the present state of her life. Her mum's case was denied. Trent, the bank, her landlord were all on her neck for their money. So, peace of mind was sort of the thing she was really lacking in her life.

Kiana tried her best to put up a warm smile, as she lightly shook her head.

"Not yet. Probably in a few minutes, but thank you for the offer." Ana stated, trying her best to sound as polite as possible.

Both women smiled at her in understanding.

"Okay. Goodnight. See you next week." One stated, then they both waved to her and Ana waved back as she watched them walk away.

Kiana sighed as she focused back on her work, not wanting to let anything stay over the weekend and then pile up by Monday. After a few minutes of rubbing the back of her neck, rubbing her eyes tired from squeezing them in front of the computer, folding and releasing her palm at intervals from holding a pen all day; Kiana accepted she was done. She decided to let her boss know of her decision before she could leave the building, so she shifted her chair backwards then turned to her right to get up on her feet. She startled up a bit in surprise as her eyes slightly widened at who directly stood in front of her.

"Going somewhere, Miss Stuart?" Enrico asked with a sly smile at the corner of his mouth, as well as a raised brow.

"Uh... Um, yes. Your office... I was going to your office." Kiana answered with slightly furrowed brows somewhat confused at how he managed to walk out of his office and all the way here without her hearing not even the slightest sound possible.

"My office?" Enrico asked with an amusing look on his face in which Kiana found it quite strange.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you that I'm done for the day and I wish to take my leave." Kiana boldly stated, but all Enrico did was release a light chuckle at her words, as he walked past her and to her desk.

He slightly raised his right hand in which he held a big black polythene bag. He turned the bag upside down with both hands and poured its contents right on her desk. Kiana's brows furrowed deeply as she stared at the shredded papers on her table. She looked away from them to Enrico, clearly demanding an explanation with her eyes.

"Unfortunately, Kiana, you can't leave... tet." He told her as he let the polythene bag fall to the floor before he dusted his hands.

Kiana was tempted to yell 'why', but she just couldn't. The fact that he was her boss restricted her from yelling at him. It was always, 'yes, sir.'

"Accidentally, I shredded a few papers without realising they contained important information. Now, they're mixed with the actual rubbish so I need you, my personal assistant to sort them out. Glue the right ones together and write out what you see there. Any questions?" Enrico asked with raised brows, clearly not seeing the fault in his new assignment for her.

She stared at him a bit speechless before looking back at the impossible task now lying on her desk.

"Nothing? I see. So, I'll leave you to start right away." He stated regarding his question, before walking past her and towards his office.

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