2. Rosemary

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Sometimes your brain gets in the way of what your heart really wants to say.

Kiana took in a deep breath as she stared for a slight second at the young woman holding the door open for her. After making sure she was okay, she took gentle steps into the office. Eventually, she came to a standstill, as though frozen, staring at the man a bit farther from her with his head bent, focused in his work. Suddenly, the door was shut behind making her startled. After taking a look behind her, she realized the young woman had shut the door without giving her a warning.

Well, that's rude.

Kiana concluded within her. She sighed as she finally decided to march on forward, her shoes making her a bit uncomfortable. Her heels weren't as high as anyone might expect, but there was a clear difference in hers and her roommate's shoe size. Kiana had convinced her roommate that she could manage her way through the interview putting on the shoes. Her roommate had opposed to it, but Kiana wouldn't back down. The consequences of her stubbornness were gradually coming to surface but she wouldn't give in so easily.

You could've gotten a new one that fits perfectly.

Her subconscious told her but she shook it off. The money she could've spent on buying a pair of shoes could go a long way in paying up a little of her debt. She didn't have the luxury of buying herself anything. She could very well still manage.

She took in a deep breath to calm her racing heart and nerves that threatened to fail her, as she finally stood in front of his table. Kiana didn't even want to think of what she would do if she doesn't get the job. This wasn't the first company she had attempted since she graduated from college with a degree in Business Administration. She had tried several others, but was always told there was no position to accommodate her. Eventually, she gave up and settled with menial jobs. When she came across the advert on the newspaper stating that the CEO to the fastest growing Italian wine company known as Edoardo Vineyards, now based in the U.S., was looking for a personal assistant, she knew she had to give it a chance. It was worth a try and the pay would go a long way in covering up a bit of her debts compared to her menial jobs; but now, standing in front of this man whose face she hadn't spared a second due to her busy schedule to find out much about, her will was starting to waver. The thought of ifs filled her mind.

"You may have your seat." He told her without looking up to her.

"Thank you, sir." She appreciated before gently pulling a chair backwards and then having her seat, as calmly as she could.


He thought of the word she just used and amusement filled him but he tried his best not to let it show. He put up a serious face. The world, indeed, was a small place. He self assured himself of his capabilities and of the fact that her presence meant nothing to him. The past is in the past. This is the present. This is a new him. This is Enrico Vos, CEO of Edoardo Vineyards and not the nerdy looking kid he was, nine years ago.

He raised his head, as well as his eyes up to her. Within a few seconds, he subconsciously did a thorough scanning of the physical part which weren't covered by her clothing.

Kiana Stuart hasn't changed much. She was still as beautiful as he remembered, with a face shaped like an oval. Her face looked a little older and wearier than the image he recalled. There was evidence of stress on her face. He thought of the fact that she might not have had it easy in life since they parted ways. He hadn't bothered on finding out what happened in her life since their separation. Her hair was still a colour of light golden, which she tried her best to tuck all in to the back. A few stubborn strands escaped from the pack making her entire work look a bit messy. Her lips weren't as full and protruding as most modern women love it to be. Hers was thin with a shade of light pink lipstick applied on it. Inwardly, he gave a light snort at her shady attempt at makeup. Yes, he wasn't a woman but the lot he had been with did a good job at masquerading their faces. The woman right here clearly did nothing except apply a bit of blush and lipstick to help her face light up a bit. Enrico wondered if she knew her attempt at makeup did little to hide the writing on her face. His eyes travelled down her neck away from her face but he couldn't get a better look of it as the collar of her shirt covered most of it. All he could see was a seemingly shadow of it. He gave up on any further view of her neck. Going further down, he didn't fail to notice her breasts; but just like her neck, he couldn't get a good look at her cleavage which was hidden away by her buttoned up shirt. Sad.

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