12. Sunflower

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But to see her was to love her, love but her and love for ever.

by Robert burns


Her lips quivered with fear barely able to stay still.

"No... please... stay away from me." She managed to state out, as she took shaky and slow inconsistent steps backwards. She could barely recognise her own voice, then filled with fear. All she could think of, at this very moment, was for someone to save her. Anyone. The tall figure in front of her drew closer and closer with each step she took backwards. Her heart was racing a thousand miles. Her own blood pumping in her ears. Her hands shivering in the process, as different possible outcomes of this present moment ran across her mind. Tears gathered her eyes and eventually trickled down her cheeks. She looked up to the monster that threatened to devour her and wished more than anything for a saviour.

"Please... No." She pleaded once more, as she slowly shook her head. Her own words were unable to come out as bold and usual. Her steps were still going backwards. Suddenly, she hit something hard behind her. She instantly knew she had hit the wall.

Her breathing heightened filled with fear. Her eyes widened as she noticed the wide grin on this monstrous face. Her lips quivered more as it dawned on her that this was the end of the road.

"Finally... Nowhere else to run." He stated, his voice sounding rough and uneven. Before she could think of anything else, he pounced on her, causing her to let out a loud scream.

Kiana gasped as if searching for air, as she immediately sat up on the bed. Her eyes were wide open. Her breathing was rapid. Sweat lingering on her forehead. Her heart was racing nonstop. She only calmed down when her eyes lurked around and she realised she was back to reality. Safe away from her consistent nightmares. Tears gathered her eyes as she brought her knees to her chest, her arms now wrapped around them. As the tears trickled down her cheeks, she wondered when all this would eventually stop. When was her past going to stop interfering with her present? When is it all going to end? She sobbed some more as she rested her head on her knee. She was tired of it all; carrying this burden for years. Years filled with horror. What does she have to do in order for that terrible night to stop hunting her?

Finally, Kiana raised her head after a while of sobbing. She took a look around her and slowly, the present reality hit her. She was still in Enrico's home. Kiana quickly wiped her face of any tear stains before she checked for the time from the alarm clock set on the bedside table. She let out a sigh of relief as she realised it was past five in the morning. Perhaps, it would be better if she gets ready as early and quickly as possible. She did promise to leave his home by morning and was going to do just that. Kiana got off the bed and just as she walked towards the bathroom, she felt like a little something was caught within her nose and before she knew it, she sneezed. She stood still as she felt light headed for a few seconds, while she covered her mouth before eventually sniffing and venturing further into the bathroom.

By six-thirty, Kiana had packed her stuff, dressed and was ready to leave. She opened the door with one hand, while the other held on to her luggage. Her handbag hung on her shoulder. She gently shut the door behind her before taking careful steps further away from the room. She only stopped when she was by the staircases. She sighed as she wondered if she should wake him up and let him know that she was leaving. As she turned towards the stairs, suddenly, she stopped. She lightly bit her lower lip as she shook her head. She thought of the fact that he might get mad at her for waking him up this early, then she decided it would be better if she left before he wakes. She turned away from the stairs and took two steps forward.

Suddenly, she came to a halt once more. Her brows furrowed at the thought of him thinking of her as ungrateful. Leaving without saying at least thank you or a proper goodbye. What's wrong with her? Kiana wouldn't deny the fact that she was having a hard time making a decision. Should she leave without letting him know or just disturb his sleep and let him know that she was leaving?

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