Heather (part 2)

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Enrico dusted his coat as he walked down the unfamiliar route. He looked around when he finally put it on and realised Kiana had walked further away in front of him. She hadn't said a word to him since Trent finally accepted his offer and he had to pay a hefty price to set her free. Somehow, he got the sense that she was mad at him. Why? He couldn't quite fathom.

He sighed.

"Kiana." He called but got no response. She kept on walking. Enrico took a look around to realise something was different about their environment. The building they just walked out of seemed like an abandoned factory and the track they presently threaded on resembled that of an old site. Enrico concluded it must have been years since anyone came this far well, except for Trent and his men.

"Kiana." He called once more but this time, she finally came to a halt. Kiana stood still without turning to him and Enrico was a little grateful about that, as he hastened his pace to catch up with her.

He sighed. Enrico brushed his hair backwards with his fingers as a result of the mess it was presently in. He stood still beside her. Kiana barely glanced at him. She just stood still trying to contain how she was feeling at the moment. Enrico noticed the look on her face. It didn't seem normal.

"Are you okay?" He had to ask and watched as she tightened her face.

"I'm fine." She spat before walking past him. He blinked as he watched her walk off. He knew she wasn't okay. Something was definitely wrong with her and so he walked faster to catch with her once again.

"Are you sure? 'Cause you look different. Your eyes are red shot. Your lips seemed tightened and you're doing that twitching of nose you usually do when you're angry." He explained with a light chuckle, which made both of them come to a stop.

Enrico quickly looked away as he realised he shouldn't have said that. He didn't want her knowing that he still remembered a lot of things about her. Kiana slightly took a look at him. He wasn't wrong about her nose twitching whenever she was really mad at something, but the fact that he remembered was what seemed pretty awkward.

"Do you have something to say to me? Did I do something wrong?" Enrico asked just so she could forget what he just said.

"Something wrong?" She asked with furrowed brows, before she shook her head and walked away.

Enrico rubbed his temple in frustration.

"I suppose this is the thank you I get for saving your ass." Enrico stated and Kiana came to a halt. She couldn't take it anymore, so she turned and walked back to him.

"Saving my ass!?" She repeated and he just stared at her.

"For your information, Mr. Vos, I didn't ask for your help. I could have gotten myself out of this situation just like I've been doing for the past nine years, without your money." Kiana spat out all at once, as she glared at him furiously.

Enrico gave a light chuckle as he looked away from her for a second and then back to her.

"I see... I see what the problem is. Your pride is hurt by the fact that my money saved you. You can't accept that 'cause your ego is this big." Enrico stated, as he created a huge gap between his arms to demonstrate her ego.

She looked from his ridiculous display and to his face.

"Pride. Yes perhaps, I do have that, but I do not have an ego. What's wrong is the fact that you... You don't have respect for anything. You're selfish, spoilt and egocentric. Yes, that's what you are." Kiana blurted out while pointing a finger at him and not quite caring about the outcome of her behaviour.

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