Orange Blossom (part 2)

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Enrico walked right into his room, placing a hand on his hip, he sighed.

"What are you doing, Enrico?" He asked himself, feeling quite foolish with what he was doing. Initially, giving Kiana a job actually boiled down to one plan, which was to make her feel at least a little sorry for what she did to him in the past but these days, he was starting to lose track of his actual plan. He brought her to his home regardless of his rules and he was also letting her spend the night. Could he lose himself anymore than this?


"Here." Enrico told Kiana, as he walked right into the room and put the sheets in her arms.

"Thank you." Kiana murmured an appreciation just as Enrico took a step backwards leaving the sheets in her arms. Their eyes met once more and he looked away from her.

"Okay. Goodnight." He stated quite quickly as he turned away and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Kiana let out another sigh just as she was alone once more in the room. She walked up to the one seated sofa by the corner of the room then left the sheets there. She turned back to the room. Gratefully, the room wasn't dusty, except, it felt empty. So, she began to lay the sheets and wore the pillow covers on the pillows. Very soon, she was done. She rubbed her back as she stared at her handwork. A few months of working as a maid in the hotel actually did pay off. Her hands trailed off to her hair. She immediately recollected that she was soaked wet. She quickly took off her jacket and before she could undress further, she went straight for her bag. As she unzipped it, she realised the bag was wet as well.

"No, no, no." She pleaded as she quickly unzipped it. She stared at what used to be her clothes. One by one, she took out her clothes quite soaked from the rain as well. She sighed realising she had nothing dry to wear. Quickly, she took out all her clothes and spread them in whichever possible space they could lay on, just so they could dry by morning. Perhaps, she would sleep with nothing on.

Kiana opened the door to the bathroom and her eyes slowly widened and how beautifully structured the bathroom was. She carefully stepped in, looking around as she did. The walls, as well as the floor, were made out of tiles. The mirror was huge and stuck to the wall and beneath it was a wide basin on the purpose of acting as a sink. There was a bathtub as well as a cubicle-like space for showering. Kiana quickly took off her clothes before stepping right under the shower. There were several knobs that looked quite unfamiliar, she didn't know which led to hot, cold or even warm water.

She turned the first knob and the water first drizzled out before eventually pouring down. Kiana cringed before quickly turning it off. She tried the next hoping that was it. She immediately gasped before turning it off. She rubbed her skin where the hot water had fallen upon her. Then, she turned the next knob and waited quite cautiously but nothing came out. She tried and tried, but no avail. It made her wonder why people create way too complicated shower handles. It actually didn't make sense. Finally, she gave up and resolved to turn on the knob with the cold water. It was freezing, but she was able to get a good bath after quite a while.


Enrico turned on his bed, quite unable to sleep. Lately, his attempt at sleep was becoming a real flop. There were so many unexplainable things going through his mind. He felt so restless and that night was incredibly exceptional. He turned on his bed once more then shut his eyes as if that would work, but the one image he saw was what made him open his eyes. He remained still just staring out into space. His brows slowly furrowed. He couldn't understand why Kiana's face would flash in his mind. Perhaps, it was because she was right within his home and a few steps away from him. Yes, that was the reason. Nothing else but that. Even the universe knows Kiana isn't supposed to be there but what can he do... for some reason, he simply couldn't resist. Enrico immediately turned his head to the door and the sound of a strange noise coming from downstairs. His brows furrowed deeper. He had put off the lights while Kiana remained in her room. It was impossible someone would break into his home. The alarm would have gone off. Without thinking any further, Enrico got right out of bed and headed right for the door out of his room.

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