Ivy (part 2)

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Kiana wiped her hands properly with the small towel before stepping out of the kitchen. She walked up to the sofa, picked up her sweater and wore her handbag over her shoulder. She let out a sigh as she stood for a moment staring at the tray in which was Enrico's breakfast. She, then, shifts her eyes up at the door to Enrico's room. She had woken up quite early with the mind set to leave before he woke up. Enrico might not accept it, but the fact still remains that it's best they come to work separately, so people don't eventually begin to talk. Therefore, she made sure to clean up the house and make breakfast before leaving. Hopefully, he would understand, so she walked further towards the main exit out of the penthouse and gently shut the door behind her.

Eventually, she made it to the office right on time. Barely anyone was present. A small smile grew on her face. Good. Exactly how she liked it. It gave her a little peace and serenity while she tidied up everything. She cleaned up her desk before venturing into her boss's office. A little arrangement here and there and she was done. A smile forms once more on her face. She took a look at the time and it was just around the time Enrico usually gets to work, so she took it upon herself to get him his favourite coffee before he got there. Perhaps, it was also a little part of her telling him thank you for caring last night.

When it got to her turn in the coffee shop, Kiana placed her order and stood waiting staring nowhere in particular.

"Ki-Kiana?" A man standing a little close beside her, asked with raised brows. Kiana shifted her eyes to him at the mention of her name. Her brows slightly furrowed as his face didn't seem the least bit familiar to her.

She took one look behind her to see if he was referring to someone else, but there was no one.

"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" She asked to be sure, but the man in front of her let out a light chuckle.

"Yes. Kiana Stuart, right?" He asked to be sure he was in the right and hasn't mistaken her for someone else.

Her brows furrowed further at the mention of her full name. The man there, in front of her, does know her, yet she can't seem to recall ever having set eyes on him. He saw the confusion on her face and understood it would best he introduced himself.

"Nicolas... Nicolas Clark." He identified, hoping that would jog her memory and it eventually did, as her eyes gradually widened. She stared at him with shock written all over her face.

"Nic-Nicolas!?" She asked, quite in shock, still unable to believe the fact that he was actually the same young boy that attended the same high school with her. He looked a whole lot different than back then. The Nicolas in front of her was neat and well-dressed. His blonde hair neatly styled and gelled backwards. His voice seemed deeper and his facial features had become much better. In summary, he was handsome and seemed well-off.

A wide smile grew on his face at the fact that she recalled him. Kiana smiled back.

"Wow... you... you look great." She stated, recalling how much of a nuisance he was back then.

Nicolas nodded as he buried a hand into the pocket of his coat, while he looked down for a second before raising his eyes back to her.

"Yes and... you look great as well." He added with a nice smile and all she could do was smile back. Suddenly, the atmosphere grew awkward. Neither knew what next to say. They were never friends back in high school. Actually, they were always at each other's throat. Therefore, that wasn't the type of reunion anyone would expect.

"Your order's ready." The lady behind the counter stated and Kiana turned to her with a hand stretched out to take hold of her order off the counter.

"Thank you." Kiana added, before attempting to open her purse for the payment.

"Don't worry about that." Nicolas quickly stated and Kiana looked up to him.

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