05. sativa

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A/N: Now that I introduced y'all to Amour you'll be seeing more of his point of view. But trust that a majority of the story will be from Isaiah's POV.

ALSO! Comment, please! I wanna see your feedback and reactions to the characters!

ALSO! Comment, please! I wanna see your feedback and reactions to the characters!

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"It's me and you and we makin' arrangements. It's you and me and we makin' arrangements."


"Amour slow down!" 

I started walking faster.

JJ let out a loud huff before sprinting my way. Damn football players. He grabbed ahold of my backpack and dragged me into the janitors closet, locking the door.

I cocked my head to the side. "Jeremiah," I hissed, using his full name. "Why are we in a closet?"

"Because you've been ignoring me for almost a week!" he exclaimed.

I let out a small chuckle. He was right. "Yes, and?" I asked raising a brow.

"Bro, I already told you I was sorry. I've been calling and texting your petty ass but you won't answer." 

Correct again.

"I can't possibly relate to anything you just said." 

I rolled my eyes when JJ let out a loud groan, probably making the people passing by start thinking the worst. He started touching my face. Like everywhere. If I wake up to a field of pimples tomorrow I swear I'm going to fight him.

"You're all here see? You're fine! Nothing happened, now give me a hug and forgive me already!" he whined.

"That's kinda gay," I told him, making him let out yet another annoyed groan.

I had a knowing smile on my face. Man, I loved messing with people. 

"With all that moaning your football team is gonna get the wrong idea when we walk out of here together," I said.

He leaned on the door. "We aren't leaving until you forgive me."

I sucked my teeth. "Doesn't this count as kidnapping?"

"Fuck off Amour! Can you be serious for once?" 

"That's funny coming from you." I joked once again. 

His brown eyes shot daggers at me. "You know what? Fine." Jeremiah unlocked the door and walked out, slamming it behind him. 

I'll talk to him later. After Isaiah told me how he punched a guy with a gun just to save his best friends I started thinking about the things JJ has done for me. 

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