26. end the night with a bang

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So...that last chapter...how y'all feeling? 

Also y'all! I can't thank you enough for 12K reads, 1,000 votes, and 1,000+ comments! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read and comment on my story. <3


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"Babe that stings," Isaiah hisses, pulling away from the saltwater-soaked cotton ball in my hand. 

"You're such a baby, it'll only hurt for a second." I retort, pressing the cotton ball softly onto the cut on his bottom lip. 

I place a finger on his chin to inspect the rest of his face. Isaiah had a bit of bruising under his right eye that'll eventually turn into a black eye accompanied by a busted lip and scratched cheek. He was the most busted up out of the four of us, Drake has a single bruise on his cheek and all Reese got was a broken nail. I'm supposed to be icing my knuckles from their contact with Issac's face but I'd rather worry about Isaiah first. 

It all happened in the blink of an eye. Isaiah didn't hesitate to punch Issac in the face after he dropped the hard r, he swung so fast that Issac didn't even see it coming. Issac returned Isaiah's hit with a few of his own and Isaiah was able to dodge a couple but ended up getting punched in the lip. Next thing you know Issac is full-on charging at Isaiah and tackling him to the ground. 

That's when the rest of us got involved. The sight of my boyfriend hitting the ground had me seeing red. The last thing I remember is getting pulled off of Issac's limp body. 

"Doesn't that hurt?" Isaiah asks, pointing to the purple-ish color forming on my knuckles. 

"Not really," I shrug. "I box so I'm used to it."

"But I don't like seeing you hurt." 

I playfully shake my head and place my hands on his shoulders. "Saiah, I'm good okay? Worry about yourself cause you're more beat up than me." I chuckle. 

"He got one lucky shot cause he fucking tackled me outta nowhere. I swear if he didn't do that stupid shit I could've taken him myself," he huffs.

"Well, Issac's face looks ten times worse than yours," I tell him before grabbing an ice pack and placing it on his eye. "I don't think he's gonna bother us anymore."

"Why didn't you tell me that he was texting you in the first place?" Isaiah asks. 

Shit, I forgot about that part. 

I sigh, not really knowing how to answer. "I don't know."

Isaiah removes the ice pack from his eye and squints, urging me silently to tell him what was wrong. I try to avoid his eyes but he grabs ahold of my hand and swings it like a little kid. He always does this when he wants something and I don't think I have enough willpower to resist. 

"Amour," he says softly. "Talk to me please."

I take a deep breath and give in. "I thought I could handle it myself," I explain. "You already have so much going on, I didn't want to bring another problem into your life. It didn't seem like a big deal at the time, I knew Issac was lacking a couple of brain cells but I didn't think he would go this far." 

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