06. sing to me

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A/N: If you couldn't guess by the chapter name, Amour sings in this chapter so I put a link to the song right thurrrr. I suggest listening because oooohhh this man is fine and can sing! I'm glad I picked him to play Amour.

 I suggest listening because oooohhh this man is fine and can sing! I'm glad I picked him to play Amour

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Drake was sat on a dirty bench behind rusted bars. Kingston found that this would be a great moment to lecture Drake about the rules of the hood. When it came to drugs and gangs it was like he turned into a drug mom, yelling at us about how stupid we are for getting involved with something like this. 

The funny thing is Kingston is only three years older than us, he's not even legally allowed to drink.

Last week I wouldn't have thought I would be in the Oakland Police Sation bailing Drake out for whatever he got arrested for. It was stupid honestly, he was the one who got shot in the shoulder and beat up yet he was here in a holding cell with a crackhead sitting next to him. 

"You're lucky Bobby already whooped your ass cause I would've done it myself since you wanna get involved in gang shit." King lectured. 

Drake groaned. "Aren't you involved with gang shit? You act like I wanna be in here." 

"If you messin' with gang shit then hell yeah you wanna be in here," King spat, ignoring Drake's first question. Because yes indeed, he was involved with gang shit.

Kingston wasn't with the Hornets or the Maddogs. He and some other guys had their own little thing goin' on. 

"Bro cut me some slack, this is my brother's shit, not mine."

"There ain't no more slack to cut!" 

My eyes rolled to the back of my head. A habit I developed from Amour. It was too early for this shit, and I need to leave so I can get ready to see him. I was supposed to be at his house around noon so we could hang out without any interruptions. *Reese*

"Shut up!" I yelled. "Reese will be back with your bail and then we can get you out of this nasty ass cell, alright?"

Drake brought his hands to his black curls. He let out an annoyed groan as he threw his head back, hitting it against the concrete wall. His parents refused to pay his bail to teach him a 'lesson'  so he's been stuck in a holding cell for over a week. It took days to convince them to let us bail him out.

After what felt like hours, Reese and the officer entered the room. Drake quickly got up from his seat and looked at them with bright eyes.

"Your savior is here." Reese grinned.

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