34. congrats, grad

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"So thank you, for helping shape who I am as a person. This is truly an experience I'll never forget." 

The crowd begins to applaud as Selina Aragon, first in our class, wraps up her speech. I take a breath before peaking out the black curtains one last time. I scanned the crowd for my family when we walked in, but up on stage, I had a clear view of the hundreds of eyes that will soon be staring at me. 

I spot my mother in the fourth row, accompanied by my little sister, Auntie Joy, my grandparents, and of course Kingston. They all wore matching green outfits, my mother a sleeveless dress and my little sister a white shirt and a green skirt. I shook my head, only my mother would go out of her way to make sure my family stands out by wearing my school colors. 

A row above them sits the Arreagas. I watch as Mrs. Arreaga scolds Angel while Mr. Arreaga sits unamused next to Mariana. Around them seems to be some of Amour's distant family that came down for the occasion. 

"Now I would like to introduce a very special student," Principal Diaz speaks into the microphone. "Isaiah King is another one of our top students here at George Washington High. He will be attending UCLA on a basketball and academic scholarship in the fall." 

I shake off my nerves as Principal Diaz comes close to finishing her introduction. I adjust my cap and scan through the notecards in my hand, making sure everything is in order. 

It's just a speech, Isaiah. It's not the end of the world. 

"I would like you all to give a big round of applause for Isaiah!"

The crowd follows Principal Diaz's orders and claps loudly as I walk onto the stage. There are hoots and hollers from my classmates and a dollar tree airhorn sounds which I know has to be from my mom in the stands.

"That's my best friend!" Reese shouts as I make my way to the podium. 

I smile at her as she cheers loudly. I scan the sea of students to find Drake clapping for me and Amour giving me a thumbs-up as I go through my notes one last time. I give the mic a slight tap which makes it cry out a loud screech that catches me and everyone in the building off guard. 

"My bad," I say into the mic, earning some laughs from the crowd. 

The atmosphere becomes less serious which helps ease my nerves. I look down at my notes and begin to read the first line. "Good afternoon everybody. First, I just want to thank you all for coming and supporting our class for this amazing achievement," I read, knowing how boring it already sounds. "I feel like Selina hit the nail on the head when she talked about how this high school experience shaped who we are today. So, instead of repeating what she said or boring you all with another basic speech, I want to talk about something else." 

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