11. golden hour

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"Hey Amour," Maxwell mocked in a feminine voice. "See anything you like?"

"Leave me alone Max," 

"Aw chico, we're just having a little fun," he taunted, grabbing the banana from my lunch tray. "Come on fag, show us how much you can take."

Max and the rest of his friends laughed as he held the curved fruit up to my face. Grabbing ahold of my cheeks in an attempt to make me suck it. I furiously shook my head causing Max and the rest of the hot-headed football junkies to get mad.

Kyle, co-captain of Joseph's Catholic School (JHS) football team, decided that if I refused the banana then I shouldn't eat at all. He snatched my lunch tray from under my fingers and threw it against the wall, the loud noise creating an audience in the cafeteria. 

I looked up at him with my mouth agape. "That was my lunch dickhead!" 

Kyle grabbed ahold of my shirt leaning down creating little to no space between our faces. "What did you just call me you fucking border rat?" 

His breath smelt of red bull and testosterone, it was enough to scare a fifteen-year-old Amour with ease. 

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"  Issac challenged, stepping behind me.

Kyle let go, pushing me back harshly causing me to fall out of my chair. 

"Issac Miller? Don't tell me you're standing up for the twink now."  Kyle scoffed.

Max laughed, adding his own insults into the mix. "Be careful or he'll turn you gay, Miller." 

The eyes of the bystanders went wide as they watched their star quarterback in shock, nobody would dare to stand up for the faggot when Kyle was around. 

Issac stepped closer to Kyle. "Mess with him again and I'll fuck you up, Daniels." he threatened. 

Kyle sneered. "You better watch who you hang with Miller, fags aren't the new trend."  

Issac pushed past Kyle and his group friends to extend an arm to help me up. I reluctantly took his hand, hoping he wouldn't pretend to help me and then drop me to the ground like the others considering he was supposed to be friends with them.

Surprisingly he didn't drop me, instead, he took my hand and pulled me outside, leaving Kyle and the rest of the football team to stare at us with wide eyes. 



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