28. momma didn't raise no bitch

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Aight so...I don't know how this book got to number three in the lgbt hashtag but it did for a hot second and I am so thankful! Like honestly I didn't expect all this! So I just wanna say thank y'all for all your comments and votes!

Once the book is done imma go back and fix the switching from present to past tense issues. Idk what I was on when I did that.

That's all, highlight this and tell me your favorite and least favorite character!

That's all, highlight this and tell me your favorite and least favorite character!

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The golden rays of the sun peeking through my blinds accompanied by the sweet tune of morning birds were almost calming enough to shake the nerves and fear of what today might bring. 

Amour and I talked for hours last night, he coached me on what to do and say and how to keep my nerves at ease. I nearly had a panic attack over the phone thinking about everything that could go wrong.

I was the most worried about Sarai. Thinking about dealing with the guilt of driving our family apart made me want to throw up. I didn't want her to end up becoming another little black girl who was forced to grow up without a father. 

"Don't overthink it. It'll only make things worse."

Amour's soft voice parted the clouds that slowly began to form in my mind, reminding me of what he said last night. He's right. I just needed to stop believing that the worst will happen.

I know for a fact Pop isn't gonna take it well, but that doesn't mean we'll end up fatherless. He loves us too much to leave. Knowing him he'll probably forget about it in a couple of weeks anyway. Hopefully. 

And even if he does decide to leave, he'll come back. Amour's dad came back so why can't mine? It'll be fine. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. 

"ISAIAH!" Momma's voice travels from the kitchen to my room.

I huffed, not wanting to get up from the comfort of my bed. "Yeah?" I yell back. Ever since I got popped in the mouth at the age of eight I've stopped responding with "what" when Momma calls me. She says it's disrespectful. 

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