12. to pimp a butterfly

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Hey T/W for any of my readers that are sensitive to topics about suicide, it's mentioned slightly here but not much. 

Thank y'all for 60 votes! That honestly makes me happy af.

This chapter is 2000+ words. A lotta shit goes down and the POV's switch a lot during his chapter. Y'all are in for a ride...

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Sunday Evening

Hugo Honoret was sentenced to five years in jail for drug possession two months ago. To say I was confused as to why he was standing in front of me was an understatement. 

Drake and Hugo could pass as twins if Hugo wasn't five years older, they inherited the same dark curly hair and fair skin, plus their features were almost identical. Unless you count the beard Hugo managed to grow in two months. 

"Nigga how the fuck are you outta jail?" Reese blurted, saying what the both of us were thinking. 

Drake and Hugo exchanged a look. 

"Let's just say I'm on 'parole', one of the guards owes my boy a favor." He confessed. 

If there was one thing Hugo was good at besides dealing, it was having connections. He knew how to get favors from anybody and everybody; the neighborhood had a fit when he got arrested.

"Listen y'all," Drake started. "We found a way to give Bobby his money without actually giving him his money." 

Reese and I stepped closer to the Honoret brothers, forming a small circle so people passing by couldn't hear our conversation. 

I raised a brow. "I hope y'all realize that he'll put a cap in all of our heads if he figures out he doesn't have all eight thousand," I whispered.

Hugo hit me in the back of my head. 


"You think I don't know that?" his latin accent became thicker each time he opened his mouth. "I found a way to get half of what I owe in real money and the other half in fake money. Y'all know Arnol right?" We nodded our heads in unison. "He has a warehouse that can print four thousand fake dollars; we mix that in with the real money and Bobby will never notice." 

Reese raised a brow. "And what if he goes to use it and realizes it's fake?"

Drake laughed. "Drug dealers don't check they money, once he gets the 8K he'll use it to pay for some other illegal shit," he explained. 

"Once he exchanges it with someone else he won't know where the fakes came from," Hugo added. 

"But what if?" I stressed.

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