Chapter 12: Heartbroken

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Sia above ^^

Ace's POV

I woke up too the smell of something being cooked. I headed to take a shower. When I got out I found Sia eating on the couch.

"I made you a BLT sandwich." She said never taking her eyes from her phone. I quietly got my food and sat next to her.

We started watching Friday.

"You got fucked up last night." Sia said breaking the silence. "No." I said as I took our plates to the kitchen. She laughed. "I wasn't asking. I was telling you." I washed the dishes , coming back to the living room.

I know she was referring to my bruised face.

"And you LOOKED fucked up last night." I said mimicking how she patted her scarf at the door. Her jaw dropped, followed by her beaming me with a pillow.

I jumped on her and we started to wrestle. She ended up pinning me from on top. I laughed at this goofy ass girl.

"Fair?" I suggested. She thought for a moment, then said why not. Sia changed coming back out looking like a snack. I licked my lips.

"Damn." I mumbled as she walked past me to go out the door.

At the fair I won her a superman bear and bought her cotton candy. From what I heard Superman was her favorite. I don't know why but she made me soft on the inside.

We was walking through to another game when I bumped this lady. "My ba-..Princess?" I asked as I recognized her.

"I really wish you would come home." Sia said giving her a hug. Xavier appeared from behind her. "Wassup Sia. Ace." He said putting his arm around Princess's shoulders.

No lie I got heated. "I'm good where I'm at." She said trying not to look at me. Sia shook her head. "Yeah I bet." I said. Xavier laughed flipping down his shades.

"Lil nigga you didn't make the cut. She want a nigga with money." He said pulling out a stack.

I started to punch him dead in his shit, but Sia pulled me the opposite direction. She dragged me to my car. "He's not worth it." She said taking my keys.

"She is." I said before having a outburst of anger. I punched my own window out. "FUCK!" I yelled as pain struck through my hand.

"It's okay Ace. She broke your heart, but this isn't how you cope." Sia straddled me in my seat. My eyes were red and tears had accidentally slipped out.

I looked into her soft eyes and my breathing slowed down.

I really don't know what it is, but I can just tell she has a pure soul. People don't know how it feel when you in love with someone. While your feelings are getting deeper, theirs are getting shallow.

Nodding my head, she got off of my lap, taking me to the hospital.

I had to get stitches and a brace. After she drove us back to her crib. I went straight to my room without saying word because nah for real , my heart was broken.

Imani's POV

Lane has been blowing me up, like on some real life stalker type shit. If I don't text back fast enough, the messages start flowing in. I'm beginning to think this was a mistake.

I got frustrated and turned my phone off.

I got ready for work. When I came down my stairs Temp was in the living room. I'm going to fire Mitch. "You didn't have to kick them out." He said standing up. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm on my way to work. Let's go you're leaving." I said heading towards the elevator. He shook his head grabbing my arm."Stop acting like you don't care about them. You want them REALLY in prison for selling drugs or robbing?" He snapped.

"Says the one arrested with them. Fuck out of here." With that I snatched my arm , heading into the elevator. I was on the top floor so, It took a minute to get to the lobby. Temp was right, but Im not about to keep bailing them out of jail. If that's where they want to be go.

"You have no room to talk." I mumbled sizing him up.

In a flash of a moment I was being pinned by my neck against the elevator wall. Temp kissed me, I felt vibrations all in my veins. He picked me up, pushing up my dress. I moaned as Temp had a hand full of my ass in his hand.

I was really wet from all this teasing. He grabbed my C cup sized breast , causing me to throw my head back in pleasure. "Alfa's been staying with me and I think he likes my sister. He's family so he has to go. Let him back in." He said into my ear.

I nodded my head as I felt him rub over my clit. He smirked then put me down. I tried to catch my breath and fix myself at the same time. The elevator dinged opening. Omari walked out like nothing happened.

"Goodmorning Ms.-.." Mitch started to say. I put my hand up cutting him off. Walking outside , Omari jiggled my keys. My jaw dropped , but I caught it , snatching my keys. "He'll be back tonight." He said before leaving. I rolled my eyes.

Sy'Arie's POV

When I woke up Alfa was packing up his stuff. I sat on the dresser kicking my feet. I didn't want anything to be weird between us because he's like a nephew to me.

"We're not going to tell anyone about what happened right?" I asked. What we did was a thing out of lust. I don't have any actual feelings for Alfa. He looked over his shoulder and chuckled. "Nah , We good Arie." He said then continued to pack.

Alex was my world and I didn't want to lose him.

He was coming to take me out in a while so, I had to get ready. After a good shower, doing my hair, and makeup ; I came downstairs. "Alfa gone?" I asked my brother who looked like he was going out too. "Yeah, Don't forget to lock the door." He said before leaving.

I guess he had a concert or something. I waited and waited for Alex. It had been hours. He was taking forever so I called him, but It went straight to voicemail. I growled in frustration. He never stood me up before. I started to over think this situation making my  head hurt.

Just then he his name appeared on my screen, followed by vibrations. I smiled answering the phone. "Hey baby, Are you here?" I said excitedly. There was shuffling and muffled sounds. "Why can't we just go to your place?" A female slurred. I heard a lighter and the sound of his car doors being opened and closed.

"My mother is visiting, but my boy Lane will let us use his spare room." Alex was slurring also. My blood started to boil. The girl laughed saying she didn't care , that she was wet for him. I hung up the phone. Everything felt surreal.

The only thing I could feel was my heart breaking.

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