Chapter 19: Old Feelings

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(Picture of Izzy Above)

Sy'Arie's POV

It was lights out and I was staring at a dark ceiling. I started to hear shuffling coming from the other side of the room. I sat up turning on my lamp.

Izzy had a flashlight and  was wearing slippers. "Where are you going?" I asked following her out of the room. "Shh." She said peeking around the corner watching a nurse walk past.

We ran for the stairs quietly making our way down. Passing rooms we saw a master bed room. "This is Mother Hazel's room isn't it?" I asked whispering as she opened the door.

Izzy put her finger to her lips mouthing the words 'shut the fuck up.' I rolled my eyes as I watched her crawl on the floor. Following behind I heard Mother Hazel snoring in her bed.

Izzy quietly crawled to the dresser, looking through the drawers. "What are you looking for?" I whispered again. But was met with a elbow to the gut. I hunched over holding my stomach then pinched Izzy in the neck.

She held her neck crawling over to the opposite side of her bed to Mother Hazel's make up station. I watched her search through everything until she found a stack of envelopes. Izzy flopped through them until she saw the name 'Naomi Sims'. She looked at it for a moment before stuffing it in her shirt.

She flipped to see if there was anymore. "Wait!" I said as I saw the name Imani Winston. Mother Hazel sat up in her bed. Izzy pulled me under the table putting the envelopes back on top.

"Nurse!" She called into then hall. "Yes, Mother Hazel?" A nurse asked entering her room. " Do a room check." Mother Hazel said as she stood from her bed. The nurse without hesitation exited the room doing as told.

As soon as Mother Hazel went into the bathroom Izzy crawled out from under table. "Let's go!" She whispered as I was still getting that letter. The toilet flushed. Our eyes darted to her bathroom door.

There was no time. Izzy gave me her envelope, pushing me out the room.

"What are you doing in here?" I heard Mother Hazel say to Izzy. I sighed stuffing the envelopes into my shirt. I made it back to our room just in time. When the nurse passed our room. I stuffed the letters into my pillow.


"Rise and Shine!" Mother Hazel said doing her usual round, pulling open our curtains. I rubbed my eyes looking over at Izzy's bed, but she wasn't in it.

Just then a Male nurse came in with our medicine. Izzy came out of the bathroom, her curls hanging over her face. I bit my lip at the sight of her shirtless.

"Open your mouth." The male nurse said looking inside. "You have a good mouth." He smirked. I quickly closed my mouth looking at him in disgust.

He gave Izzy her pills then moved on to the next room. Izzy closed the door locking it. "Where's my letter?" She asked holding her hand out. I went under my pillow grabbing it.

"Who's Naomi?" I asked handing it to her. "My little sister." She answered putting it under her mattress. "Who's Imani?" She asked.

"My bestfriend." I said. Izzy turned around showing bruises on her back, thighs, and arms. "She did that? That's fucked up." I said getting angry. Izzy put on a jeans and a hoodie.

"The world is fucked up." She said before heading out of the door I followed.

Imani's POV

I was out shopping for my nieces. I was in the mall looking for baby clothes. "Hey." I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to see Omari. He looked better than from the last time I saw him.

"I missed you." He said taking off his shades. His eyes pierced into mine and I started to get that feeling again. "I'm surprised your latest sex doll isn't with you." I said quickly looking back at the baby clothes.

Omari chuckled. "Nah, I found a way past the hoes, and drugs." He said rubbing his hands together.

"And what way was that?" I sarcastically asked, while picking out thing 1 and thing 2 onesies. Omari turned me to his attention , pulling me into a hug. "You." He whispered in my ear.

I don't know how to feel right now.

"I'm not setting myself up to get hurt again." I said smelling his cologne from his shirt. He shook his head. "I ain't trying to hurt you. I don't have no one else but you and Arie." He said pulling away.

That caused a smile to force its way onto my face. I did miss him. I just needed everything to calm down with Lane and our family. I was actually happy to see Omari.

"You expecting?" He asked watching me. I looked at him weird then realized. "No, Alfa has twin girls. Jayde and Jordyn." I said heading to the counter to pay.

Omari was shocked. "I know they stressing you." He said. I nodded my head in agreement. I don't know what ima do with the twins.

"That'll be 52.75." The lady said. I felt Omari squeeze my booty as I paid for the clothes. I hurriedly grabbed the bag smacking his hand.

"I missed that too." He smirked as we walked out the store. "How you miss something you never had." I smiled running to Round 1 a indoor arcade.

Alfa's POV

I slowly put sleeping Jayde in her crib next to her sister. "I'm so tired." Patience said dozing off in the rocking chair.

I picked her up bridal style carrying her to her bedroom. I threw the covers over her letting her rest. I looked at my phone to see a missed call from Ace. I dialed his number back, listening to the ring.

"Yo, come to the block." He said. I could hear a whole lot of kids, cars, and Oldheads. "Ard." I hung up sliding my phone back into my pocket. Walking into the bathroom, I opened a draw taking the bottom out. It had money and drugs in the compartment.

I have a couple compartments around Patience crib that she don't know about. I have them at Aunt Mani house too. I grabbed my dope and strap them out everything back in place. I gave my daughters and even Patience a kiss before leaving out.

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