3. A Near Death Experience

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Mrs. Jackson stopped the car at a medical store they could find the nearest. As Mr. Jackson couldn't drive, John was underaged & Hannah didn't have her license yet, it was Mrs. Jackson who was behind the steering wheels.

It was a big medical store, kind of a little supermart but for medicines and medical equipment.

They went inside leaving Mr. Jackson & Tom in the car as they thought it would be a bad idea if Mr. Jackson came along inside.

"Excuse me, where can I find the crepe bandage?" Asked Hannah to a boy on the help desk.

"They are on the third shelf in the second column of the racks."

"Thank you." Said, Hannah, as she and her mother went to get the bandage while John went to the other side of the store where they had kept the medicines.

"Can I get some medicines for sprain, bruise & some painkillers?" John asked a girl who was standing in front of the medicine rack wearing a uniform of the store.

After getting all the medicines he turned to go to the cash counter when suddenly, he bumped into someone & some of the medicines fell down.


"I'm sorry John. Here, let me help you." That voice sounded familiar somehow.

"Couldn't you - " John replied while rubbing his arm but stopped when he saw who it was.

It was his uncle, Max. Both of them shared a close bond and every time whenever uncle Max paid a visit to the Jacksons, he never forgot to bring something for John. Last year, on John's birthday, he had given him an autographed football from John's favorite footballer.

"Hey, uncle Max! So nice to see you. So, how was your trip? Where's Aunt Petunia?" John asked his uncle in a cheerful voice as both started to pick up the medicines.

Uncle Max & aunt Petunia had gone to Australia for holidays with their family from where they just came back.

"Nice to see you too, John. The trip was fantastic and I've got something for you. I'll give it to you when we'll go home. Your aunt is with your mother over there." Uncle Max said with a smile looking over to where the two ladies were talking and smiling. " By the way what brings you here John? Where's David?"

"We were at the beach & somehow dad sprained his ankle & got a bruise. We stopped by here to grab some medicines and bandages for him."

"Where is he? Is he okay? How did this happen?" Uncle Max sounded worried.

"Yeah, he's fine now. He's in the car. He says it's a part of his snorkeling adventures."

"I'll go & meet him then. See you soon John." Uncle Max said and gave a big hug to John. He was about to leave when -

" Uncle Max! "

Uncle Max had vomited on the store floor and now lay unconscious. But it wasn't the food or anything that he ate which was on the floor. It was blood. Dark, red, lumped blood.

Hearing John shouting, Hannah, Mrs. Jackson, and aunt Petunia as well as the people in the store came rushing by.

"Max! Max! Can you hear me? I don't get it why it happened when he was fine this morning & there was nothing that he ate or drank that could lead to this. Let's get you to the hospital." Aunt Petunia said goodbye to the Jacksons and went towards her car to go to the hospital.

"Hope he gets well soon," John said to his mother.

"I'm sure he will honey, but for now, let's get back to your father."

Hannah, John, and Mrs. Jackson carried everything they needed & went to the car. They told Mr. Jackson about Uncle Max when he asked them what took them so long and what was that commotion all about.

"Poor Max. Don't worry, I know with some rest he'll be better in no time. It could be probably something he ate on his journey." Mr. Jackson said as they all made their way back home.

During halfway through the ride, John took out the stone from his pocket, looked at it & then outside the window before putting it back. Just when he was about to put it back, he saw a man standing not too far away from them. When he saw the stone in John's hand, his eyes got widened. John saw that the man was opening his mouth, trying to say something when he heard Hannah's scream.

"Mom! Look out!"

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