52. The Dinner

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Later that afternoon, John went to meet the doctor to ask about his mom. When he returned and walked into the room, he began telling what the doctor told him, "Mom, the doctor said -" He stopped when he suddenly saw his aunt on a stool next to her mother. "- Aunt Petunia!"

"John!" Aunt Petunia turned her stool to see her nephew being excited. "God! Look at you," She lifted her hands up to John's head like a way of measuring his height, "You've grown a few inches. How are you?"

"I'm good, aunt Petunia. How are you? Didn't expect you here. Love the surprise."

"I'm good too, thanks for asking." She said with a welcoming smile. "I had just returned from rehab. Life is hard without your uncle but you know what they say - what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger - won't say that it's easy but it definitely is getting better."

"So good to hear that," John said.

"So," Rose said, "What did the doctor say?"

"Oh, right," John suddenly remembered why he came to the room in the first place."I've talked with the doctor and he said that they will discharge you this evening!"

"That's great news, Rose," Aunt Petunia hugged her sister-in-law.

"I can't wait to finally come home!" Rose exclaimed. "This hospital room and all the smell has started getting on my nerves."

"And," David said, "to celebrate, we'll have a family dinner, just like we used to. I'll cook. I know that you miss them."

"Lovely!" Rose got excited.

"I'll go and finish paperwork," David said and left.

"Oh, and before I forget," aunt Petunia picked up her bag - a cream-colored sling bag with golden stripes and a bit of jewel for the decor on the front - which was lying on the floor next to the stool, opened one of its pockets and took our something. "Here, I wanted to give this to you and your sister." She said as she handed John a little square box wrapped with a shiny golden gift wrap with a glazed ribbon on top. "I know Max loved to spoil you two with his love and gifts but now that he's not with us anymore," she paused as she held back her tears. "I thought to give our lovely niece and nephew a little something from your uncle and me."

John thanked her and while he gave her a warm hug, Rose said, "Petunia, it was alright. This wasn't necessary."

"Why wasn't it, Rose? Max, wanted for them to have this. This was the last gift from him. I hope you'll take good care of it." she turned towards John.

"I promise I will." John smiled, "What's inside?" He began to pull the ribbon to open the gift when aunt Petunia stopped him.

"I want you and Hannah to open it together which reminds me where is Hannah?"

John looked at her mom. None of them knew what to tell her.

"Umm, she's - she's -," Rose tried coming up with an excuse. No matter what, she cannot tell her about the things which are going on with their family.

"She's with Tom at Emily's house." Perfect cover, John thought. "She left just before you arrived."

"Oh, well that's a bummer." Aunt Petunia said with a sad tone. "I was really looking forward to seeing her too. No worries though, I'll see her tonight at the dinner."

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Tom!!!!" John exclaimed as he was more than delighted to see him after such a long time - what felt like a million years - after he opened the door to welcome Emily in.

The fluffy golden retriever barked and jumped up and down, circling around John and wagging his tail so ferociously fast as John ruffled his fur that anyone on the scene could say that Tom was more than excited to see John - happier than John himself.

"Mr. Jackson," Emily left Tom with John as she walked towards the kitchen where David was cooking food. "Dad got a call from his office for some important office stuff, so, he couldn't make it but he asked me to tell you that this Sunday's snorkeling challenge is still on."

David giggled as he made the plates ready.

"Mom's out of town but she made this," Emily handed the casserole to him.

"Aah," David gave it a good five-second smell filling his lungs with the delicious aroma. "The cheesy tuna noodle casserole, Rose's favorite."

"Emily, is that you?" Rose called out for Emily from the dining room.

"You go on, the dinner's ready. I'll bring them." David said keeping the casserole near the food he had cooked. "Where's John?"

"It's alright, Mr.Jackson," Emily said, "John and Tom are playing. It had been so long till the two of them were together. I'll help you with the plates and besides the food smells so good."

David thanked her as they both brought the food and plates to the dining table.

Rose and Petunia served the food and after they had prayed, they began the feast.

"Mmm," Petunia said taking a bite out of the cheesy tuna noodle casserole, "Your mom is such a chef! It is really good."

"Thanks, Aunt Petunia." Emily smiled.

"No," John said, "we should be the one thanking you, Emily, you and your family took such good care of Tom."

"Well, he's my dog too, you know,"

The whole room echoed with giggles.

"By the way, Emily" Petunia began, "Where's Hannah?"

Uh-Oh, I forgot to tell Emily about my cover. John thought. Please, Emily, play along.

"Hannah? Don't you know she's -"

"Ahh," Petunia screamed as the hot dish fell all over her.

She immediately got up and saw Tom swaying his tail around her.

"I'm really sorry, Petunia," David said getting up. "He's just a dog, he didn't mean it. It was just an accident."

Emily handed over some paper napkins to Petunia.

"It's alright," Petunia said in a calm voice. "Who can blame him? He is just so excited to see you all after such a long time. Excuse me, I need to clean up."

"I'll come with you," Rose said and two of them went upstairs. 

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