4. They Say, Dogs Can See What We Can't

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A thumping sound came and the steering wheels went from extreme left to extreme right as the car skidded making a screeching sound.

"Rose! You alright?" Mr. Jackson asked with concern when the brakes caused the car to stop.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks."

"Mom, what happened?" Hannah asked.

"Don't know! It was all clear, when suddenly out of nowhere, a black colored bird hit the windshield." Mrs. Jackson said in shock still trying to figure out what had just happened.

"Where's the bird? I don't see any bird anywhere." Hannah said while looking out the window and checking everywhere.

"Maybe it flew away?" John suggested.

"But if it hit the windshield & we all heard the thump sound, it has to be injured, and in this state, how is it possible for it to fly?" Hannah counter questioned.

"Let's go home. I think we have seen enough strange things happening today." Mr. Jackson said.


"Dad, how are you feeling now? Better?" Hannah asked while giving the ice bag to his father.

"Much better now. Thanks, princess."

"Dinner's ready!" Mrs. Jackson called everyone.

Hannah & Mr. Jackson came from the study while Mrs. Jackson came from the kitchen carrying plates and food to the dining table where Tom was lying down, relaxing.

Their dining table was a rectangle-shaped, medium-length table having glass top and carvings which gave it a colonial look.

"Here, I'll help you." Hannah took the plates and food from her mother's hand and helped her set the table.

"Where's John?" Mr. Jackson asked while coming to the dining table, hopping on one foot.

"Maybe he's in his room. I'll call him." Hannah replied and pulled out two chairs - one for her father to sit and another for him to keep his leg so that it will be kept elevated.

"John!" Hannah knocked on John's door.

"Coming Hannah! I'll be there in a minute." John said. He was lying on his bed, looking at the stone in his hands. He decided to keep it in the drawer before joining the rest of the family downstairs at the dining table.

"He'll come in a minute." Hannah informed his dad, knelt down where Tom was, gave him his bowl, and said "Here you go, Tom! Your favorite!", and gently petted his fur.

Tom woofed and started to eat.

When John had joined everyone, they all started to eat after praying.

Halfway through the dinner, Mrs. Jackson stopped the spoon near her mouth and furrowed her brow and made a face as if she was listening to something very faint.


"Did you hear that David?"

"Hear what? I didn't hear anything."

Suddenly, Tom barked and barked loudly, ran towards John's room whose door was half-open, stood in front of it and barked again and again. It wasn't his happy or welcoming bark, rather it sounded like an aggressive and get-out-of-here bark.

"Tom! There's no one there. Come here!" Hannah yelled.

But Tom kept barking and barking.

And then all of a sudden, the lights of the whole house went out leaving everyone in darkness.

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