90. The Decision

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"Is your decision final?" Scarlett asked slowly approaching Emily.

Emily took a deep breath and let it out. What should I do? On one hand, I want to help. And if sacrificing myself is the only way, then so be it. But Clyde is also right in saying that if there could be any other way to break the spell. But if there was, Father Murphy would have told us when he first came after Aunt Petunia's death or when we visited him in the Church. But he didn't. That would mean that the sacrifice of 'THE' person is what is needed to lift the spell.

Scarlett can see the dead and I don't know how she could do that - maybe a gift? - but Clyde trusts her and even the bat lady - Helena - knows her. And even Father Murphy told us to meet her to find the solution. Maybe this was what he was talking about.

Scarlett said that by putting the spell - which is spreading - Diana's collecting souls of the people and making an army of her pawns. And God forbid if that ever happens then?

If my sacrifice can break the spell, it would save so many innocent souls.

But then again, Clyde was right. John is Diana's pawn and Hannah is possessed by Diana. If I die - for a good cause - then what? How can we fight Diana? I don't see any unraveled path that could even give us a clue to end her.

But I'm sure, Clyde, Scarlett, and Helena would surely come up with something.

But if I don't do this, there's not any other person we know or could find that would stop this massacre.

I have to do it.

And besides, if I help in breaking the spell, Diana's army won't grow with any more pawns and then this would definitely help.

With a final breath, Emily replied, "Yes,"

Scarlett smiled calmly.

"So, now what?" Emily asked.

"Emily, come with me inside the house. I know how to do the ritual. And we have to do it fast before the proper sunrise."

Emily and Scarlett began walking towards the house with Emily following Scarlett.

"But Scarlett, your family's in there. And how do you know how to do such rituals? Have you done this before too?"

"Don't worry about them, Emily. They're probably leaving soon. And I have done a sacrificing ritual before too - well, sort of." Scarlett replied holding the doorknob and turning it.

"Scar, let's go. It's about time." It was Skylar who was carrying two cardboard boxes in her hands - one on top of another. "Mom and dad had finished packing everything. Come fast. We'll meet you in the car."

Scarlett was about to say something when Skylar said, "Oh, hi, Emily. Didn't see you there because of these boxes." Skylar giggled. "I'm sorry that our meeting has to be this short, but we have to go now. Nice to see you again."

Emily smiled and said bye. Behind Skylar, Mr. and Mrs. Swift were carrying boxes and small items with them. They were all the last pieces and boxes as the entire house looked empty - just like a new house with only four walls and flooring.

"Mom," Scarlett began, "You three go on. Emily and I have something to do. We'll be quick. It's important."

"Alright, Scarlett. But don't be late. We're waiting in the car." Mrs. Swift replied sweetly.

Hearing her sweet voice, reminded Emily of her mother.

Her parents wanted Emily to come with them when they began moving to a different country - overseas - after seeing the effect of the sleeping spell. But Emily insisted that she would stay and help her friends.

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