35. The Permission

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"ROSE! Stay with us, please." David held Rose's hand as the ward boys and nurses carried Rose on a stretcher, with Hannah and John close behind. Their hands were covered with their mother's blood which kept coming out from her hands as a continuous flow of a river.

"Don't worry, mom", John said trying to act strong. "Nothing will happen to you."

Rose forced a faint smile. Her one hand was holding onto her husband while the other was clenching hard to divert her pain from the wounds and injuries to something else.

"You stay here." A nurse named Rosie said in a calm voice. "The doctors will take care of her from this point." Before going inside the operation theatre, she turned to face the Jackson family and said, "She'll be alright."

Mr. Jackson paced back and forth the lobby as Hannah and John sat in the chairs with their head in their hands. Hannah tried to fight back her tears. I have to stay strong, for Dad, for John. Mom will be alright. Please Lord, please. I promise to be a good girl. Just please don't let anything happen to her. I promise I won't tease John anymore, I'll be on my good behavior for everyone. I'll help dad more. Please. Please. Plea...

The red light of the O.T. got her out of her thoughts which switched off a few seconds later. Mr. Jackson rushed to the doctor who came out of the door.

"How's she, doctor? Is she alright?" Mr. Jackson asked, faster than the bullet train. All that mattered to him at that moment was for her wife to be safe. Out of danger.

"Mr. Jackson, don't worry." The doctor said removing his mask, in an assuring voice.

The words meant heaven to the family like a big, heavy boulder lifting off from their chests giving them oxygen to breathe.

"She's out of danger right now. But since due to bleeding and stitches, we have to keep her under observation for a few more days."

Mr. Jackson thanked the doctor as the family saw their mother being carried away from the O.T. to another room. "Can we meet her?" Mr. Jackson asked.

The doctor nodded and smiled. Mr. Jackson shook his hands and thanked him again and then the three of them followed the nurses with the equipment and the stretcher to the room - room no. 33.

As the staff transferred Mrs. Jackson to the hospital bed, Rosie made the medicines and everything else ready. "If you need anything, Mrs. Jackson, let me know," Rosie said before leaving the Jackson family.

"Mom," John sat next to the bed. "How are you feeling now?"

Hannah held her mom's hand as she replied in a faint voice, "I'm fine now. Thanks, John. You are a big boy now. Huh? You stayed strong. Proud of you, my son. "

John smiled.

"You take rest, Rose. You need it." Mr. Jackson said in a quiet tone. "We'll be here."

Rose nodded and the three watched her as she went to sleep.

"Um, Dad?" Hannah shifted her gaze from her mom to him. "We need to talk."

Hannah, John, and Mr. Jackson moved towards a leather couch in front of the bed.

"What is it, Hannah?" A sense of concern reflected in his voice.

Hannah looked at John real quick. John reciprocated and knew what she was about to say. They have been putting this off for quite a while now. But its time now that he should know.

"Dad, we know who did this to mom," Hannah said sitting down, in a serious tone.

Mr. Jackson, at first wanted to shrug it off as he thought of it as nothing but just an accident. But he was forced to give his thinking a second thought when he saw how serious his daughter and son were. "What do you mean?"

"We know you don't believe in this stuff and will think that it's just our imagination or superstition but it's true." And then both of the kids told their dad everything. About the stone, about his injured ankle, about uncle Max's death, about grandma Lily's death, about the incident with Tom, how weird things were happening in the Church when they brought the stone and when Father Murphy tried to purify it, how the stone came back even when Father Murphy and the Church tried to lock it away, about Harry's death, about the nightmares, about the whispers, about the dark entity which they saw in their house who tried to kill John, about the Willows, about a near-death situation with Emily, about the friendly ghost, about the paranormal happenings in the dead man's house, about Nick's diary, about the photograph, about Diana. Everything single thing.

After they had told him, they looked at their father who continued to stare at the floor, silently. A few seconds passed but he didn't say a word. It was hard to tell whether he was processing it or whether he was beginning to believe them or what else was happening?

And then he broke the silence, "So, you are saying that all of the things, weird things and deaths, which kept happening and now this - your mom's condition - is because of this girl, Diana? Because you took the stone which belongs to a pendant which her mother gave her as the last gift? And that she'll kill us all?"

They nodded.

Mr. Jackson again turned to face the floor with serious thought and then a few seconds later, exhaling a deep breath, he said, "Look, it's true that I don't believe in these things, but I believe my children. If you think that it's because of the spirit of the girl, Diana, I believe you. But how can we stop it from causing any more harm to our family or anyone?"

John leaned in and told their dad how they think that in order to stop all this, they need to find all the three stones - two of which they got. So, only the third and the final stone remains. And how they think that this third stone is probably somewhere in Nick's old house - the one in the photograph.

"Dad, please, can we go?" Hannah began. "I know, it's a little far but I promise I'll drive carefully. Please, dad?"

Mr. Jackson looked at his kids - their eyes reflected a sense of maturity, concern, and determination. But above all an urge to fight, to end it all. He looked at Rose who was resting peacefully and without giving it a second thought, he agreed.

"Be careful though. I don't want to lose you."

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