29. A Possible Clue

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They were all sweaty and tired - their lungs were about to give up. Their heartbeats were going insane but they cannot risk stopping in the middle - at least not until they get somewhere safe. Their home was the first and the only safe place that popped into their heads.

"W-wa-i-t," John tried to catch his breath leaning to the pillar of their front porch.

Both the kids were exhausted and out of their breath. Hannah collapsed on the floor - palms pressing hard against the wooden floor as they gasped for the air and swallowed a dry lump of saliva causing her to cough.

"Let's go inside," John helped Hannah get up.

Hannah wiped the sweat off of her face and got up. " What if mom or dad asked us something?"

"We cannot tell them - at least not for now. We cannot risk their lives too." John adjusted himself and opened the door with Hannah close on his heels.

Hannah nodded as they both went towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"What's that?" John pointed out to a piece of paper that was neatly folded and placed underneath the fruit bowl on the kitchen countertop.

Hannah began to open it as they both sat in the chairs. A look of relief on Hannah's face caused John to ask, "What it says?"

"Here, take a look at yourself." Hannah handed over the paper to her brother as she began to drink the water.

John placed his glass to his side and started to read the note -

" Dear Hannah and John,

I and your mom are out for grocery shopping and then if it'd be possible, we'll go to meet your Aunt Petunia. Tom's with us. We'd be late. Don't wait for us. Dinner's in the fridge or if you want, you can have pizza night. Don't be loud and don't cause trouble."

"It's pizza night!" John exclaimed, folded back the paper, and went towards the phone. "What do you want? " John began to dial the digits.

John used to say all the time that his memory is weak - that he cannot remember things - but when it comes to food, he is the master - nothing can escape his memory!

"Just the regular. You know."

John held the phone near his ears as he heard ringing till a man on the other side picked up the phone. "Hello, I would like to place an order for delivery of a large - "

"Medium. You know you don't have an appetite that big. "

John gave her a pout and continued, " - a medium pizza with mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, corn, and extra cheese."

"Anything else, sir? "

"Add a Choco lava cake along with that. Hold on - " He turned towards Hannah and asked her if she wanted anything else.

" No, sir, that would be all - A pizza and a Choco lava cake."

As John was finalizing the order, Hannah went to the living room, switched on the room heater, and sat on the little cold leather couch.

"It'll arrive soon. What are you thinking?" John asked as he hopped onto the couch next to Hannah's and crawled his legs above the couch's arm.

"I'm just thinking about what happened today. It was so terrifying. How can you eat something - let alone a pizza - after all this?"

"Hey, don't come between me and my food and as far as the events are concerned, I am frightened by all that too. It almost gave me a heart attack!" John placed his hands above his chest, trying to feel his heartbeat as if making sure that his heart was still in its place.

"What now?" John asked and sat straight with his elbows resting on his thighs and his face resting on his intertwined fingers. "What now from now? That man's ghost disappeared leaving us alone and that house which was our only hope to find something about the man or the stone is gone! Now what? Where will we find the answers?"

Hannah bit her lower lip as she went into a deep thinking state. Then she left the couch abruptly as if she remembered something.

"Where are you going?" But John's question remained unanswered as Hannah silently marched outside the room.

A few moments later, Hannah appeared and held a kind of a rusty, old book in one hand and said, " Maybe we can find them here."

John gave her a confused frown.

"I got this book from one of the drawers before the place crumbled down. Let's have a look and see if we can find out something."

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