107. The Final Chapter - I

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As soon as Emily inserted the two stones in the pendant, at first nothing happened. But in no time, the sky grew darker and darker as the dark clouds hid the crescent moon behind them. The wind started picking up the speed. The leaves, the grasses, the trees, the branches - all began swaying in a wild fashion as if a cyclone was about to come.

Emily looked down at the pendant in her hands. The pendant was extremely gorgeous and enchanting. The embedded diamonds began shining followed by the shining of the three emerald stones inside the heart-shaped pendant.

Soon the entire area was enveloped with a soothing emerald light radiating from the pendant.

A beam of emerald-colored light shot from the heart shape to the sky - piercing the clouds. Everyone looked up in awe.

Slowly, what once was covered with dark clouds now was an enthralling sight to see as the emerald light began to dance like northern lights.

Everyone including Diana was mesmerized by the beauty of it. The lights soon formed a cluster and exploded with white sparkles as something strange began happening around Diana.

It was like Diana was in the center of the sparking light which was circling around her.

Suddenly, Diana's soul began gracefully emerging out of Hannah's body.

As Hannah's body collapsed on the ground, Rose and John rushed to take an unconscious Hannah away from the scene, away from Diana's soul.

Then all of a sudden, something emerged from the light right beside Diana.

"M-mom?... Mom!" Diana exclaimed and wrapped her hands around her mother.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you, mom!" Diana broke down crying with her arms still around her mom. "It had been so long."

"Don't cry, Diana," She stroked her hairs. "I've missed you so much." She said in a loving voice.

"I still remember that day so vividly, mom, when dad and I got a call from the police station. The cops were saying how someone had crashed your car badly and how you have died in the accident." Diana said sobbing, "When they found out about the person who was behind the wheels that day, all I remembered was that they were nothing but a bully. I never felt so helpless like that in my entire life. All I wanted was to bring you back, to have you near me again. But I couldn't do anything. I had lost you, I had lost you forever and there was nothing I could do to bring you back.

I cried and cried and cried. No matter what, the tears refused to stop. The days were harder and the nights were longer but the incompleteness in my heart never got filled.

At school, they kept bullying me. No one cared about my loss. They just kept laughing and laughing and making fun of me. I was so lonely. I had no one. After you left, there was no one to dry my tears, to take away my pain, to read me stories, to magically heal my broken heart, to tell me that everything will be ok, no one to hold onto, no one I could lean onto, no one I could call home. It felt like every day I was drowning and drowning with no one to hold, no one to pull me out. The world was such a confusing and mean place without you. No one was like you. No one to hear my pain, or celebrate my happiness, or chase away my dark clouds. I was so lost without you. I was holding onto your illusions but at least they were better than the truth. Why did you have to go, mom?

When you left, dad got himself into drinking. Every night he would come home late, always drunk. I used to lock myself up in my room so that I could save myself from the devil he had become. If only you were there. You would have made everything better. You always do. Everything was falling apart and I was so helpless. I missed you terribly but nothing I did made you return.

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