7. When It All Began

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It was a bright sunny day with no clouds in the sky as the sun shone brightly giving off just the right amount of warmth. But the morning was not so cheerful for Hannah who reflected back on her birthday last night.

There were so many things that were racing through Hannah's mind, so many doubts as to why her best friend, Emily left her all alone just like that - especially on her birthday. What could be so wrong that she had to go?

All these thoughts were in her head when suddenly she heard her mom calling her and her brother from downstairs. " Hannah! John! Look who's here!"

As the two of them came down, John ran towards the door. It was their Uncle Max and Aunt Petunia.

" Oh my God! Uncle Max! How are you? Come on in." John exclaimed. He was both excited and concerned about him.

Uncle Max's face was still down and exhausted. His eyes were still baggy.

"Uncle Max, feeling better? When did you get discharged?" Hannah asked him motioning them towards the hall.

" He got the discharge yesterday only." Aunt Petunia said on behalf of Uncle Max. " I told him to rest but he was so stubborn to meet you guys. "

" Oh, that's very sweet of you, Max. " Mrs. Jackson said. " I'll bring you guys some hot coffee and some snacks."

" Oh, no coffee for him, Rose. The doctors told him to take precautions regarding his diet. " Aunt Petunia said.

" But what was the problem? Did the reports showed anything?" John asked as Tom came running towards Uncle Max, his claws making the sound on the wooden floor as he ran.

" No, and that's very strange," Uncle Max said petting Tom who was sitting on his lap. " Even the doctors were confused as to what caused such a thing. The reports were all negative."

"Well then, we have to take precautions though. How about some soup?" Mrs. Jackson thought it'd probably be good to have hot soup down his throat. It always works when you're sick.

Uncle Max nodded and smiled.

"I'll come with you." Aunt Petunia said as they both went towards the kitchen.

" So, Uncle Max, are you taking your medicines properly?" John showed his concern.

"Indeed. Even though it feels like it's a waste of money because as you can see I'm fit and fine."

" Yeah, but your appearance says otherwise," Hannah said looking at the condition of his face and weak body.

"Oh, that's because of the hospital." Uncle Max waved his hand as if it was nothing. " You know how I don't like that peculiar hospital smell which will make you sick even if you're not. And then the doctors suggest so many tests, I know they're just doing their job, checking if we're alright, but still listening to all the tests and so many different, strange words from them, it ought to make anyone believe that something's definitely wrong with them."

Uncle Max continued as Hannah and John giggled hearing his opinions about hospitals.

"Anyways, where's David? " Uncle Max looked around the house. " How is his ankle now?"

" Dad's ankle is much better now. The doctors had advised him to carry on with his normal walking and then slowly and gradually told him to run. The X-Rays were all normal, thank God. Mom was the most worried about him all. He's in his office right now. He told us that he had some unfinished heap of file waiting for him. Mom told him to rest, but you know dad, he told us that he's alright."

" Uncle Max, why don't you go and take some rest? You definitely need some!" Hannah pointed out towards his baggy eyes which felt like they were forcefully kept open.

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