71. The Arrival Of Scarlett Swift

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"I-I-I swear I saw a girl!" John defended himself, still confused.

"Hold on," Skylar's phone rang and she picked it up.

"What do you mean?" She said to the person on the other end. "Have you gone crazy or what? I'm not gonna leave this house! I mean eventually, yes, the packing still is left but why do you want me to leave right now?"

John looked at her - confused by her conversation.

"Wait, what?" Skylar continued switching her cell from the left ear to her right. "Why are you coming here right now? Is something wrong? I can sense it in your voice, Scarlett. And how will you come here all by yourself?"

She got silent listening to what this girl, Scarlett has to say.

"Alright, I'm missing you all either way. Fine. I'll be waiting." Skylar said and then hung up.

Skylar took a deep breath and put her phone back in her back pocket.

"Is everything alright, Skylar?"

"Yeah, nothing to worry about. It was my sister. I don't know why but she was acting so strange - telling me that I should leave this house right now - strange, right? And, she also told me that you should also leave."

"Me?" John sounded surprised. "How does she know that I'm here?"

"I told her earlier on the phone. Anyway, she said that she's coming here with our parents. She wants to see something for herself. I don't know what's going on with her. She'll reach here within the next day."

"Alright, then I'll come back tomorrow," John said getting up from the couch and walked towards the door.

"John," Skylar called him from behind causing him to turn around just before he was about to step his foot out the door. "Why did you come here, today? You never told me."

"We'll talk tomorrow, anyway I have to be somewhere else now."

- - - - - - - - -

"Hello, Mrs. Watkins," John greeted Emily's mother who was smiling by the door wearing a blue A-line dress and had her blond hair hung loose.

John saw packing boxes.
They were packing to shift somewhere safe.

"Is Emily home?"


"Mom! If that's John, I don't wanna see him." Came the sound of Emily from upstairs.

"Emily, please," John politely began as Mrs. Watkins welcomed him in. "hear me out once."

"What?" She shouted from upstairs. "Came here to insult me more? Or did you come here to tell me that everything worked out great without me? After all, I'm pessimistic and negative! Isn't it?"

John took a deep breath. "Emily, I came here to apologize. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me for everything I said. I was stupid. Please."

John saw Emily coming down the stairs.

"You were right," John continued still standing near the door. "I should've known. You were only trying to help me and protect me. I am really sorry, Emily. But we need you with us to find an end to all this. We still haven't found out the third piece which we don't even know where it could be. Please?"

Emily came face to face with John and let out a sigh. "It's alright. I'm sorry too. There was a better way to do it. I'm sorry if you felt that your plan was a total waste. I didn't mean to be negative about it. I was only supporting you and giving my input to make your plan a little better so that we can get more help."

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