Chapter 7: Why Are You Helping Me?

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Elena's POV

It's been a couple weeks since I went to Audrey's house. It's around 11:30 at night. I left my room and went downstairs to grab something to eat. My dad shook his head "you're the only reason your mother left"

I tried to ignore his bitch ass. I grabbed some chips and he snatched them "are you listening to me!"

I gave him a bored look "Elena! You're a burden to your mother and she left us!"

"No she left us because she was married to spineless loser! She was scared of how I'd turn out so she left me too! All because of you!" I cried "you're a terrible person!"

He stared "don't talk back to me" he stepped closer

I just laughed "you blame me... but you're the real reason" I paused "and I look like you and she didn't need a constant reminder of how she was blind and couldn't see past your lies. It's your fault! Don't blame me you fucking asshole" I yelled

He clenched his jaw "Elena stop putting that shit in your head. You're the real reason you idiot. I hate that your mother left you with me. If only we had gone through with the adoption"

My jaw dropped "Mom didn't want to do that and you know that! She left me because of you! Only you! She has a new family, a better family! A better husband and a better daughter!"

Just like that he had punched me in the jaw. Yes like actually punched me. I held my jaw and backed up "y-you"

I opened the front door and ran down the street. I would've gone to Caleb's or Lauren's but they're both on dates. I ran to the only place I felt safe, Audrey's. It took a half an hour of non stop running and a lot of crying. I banged on her door but Reece answered "um Elena, are you ok?"

"I-Is Audrey here?" I asked

He slowly shook his head. I can't go back home, I just threw myself into his arms and started sobbing. He took me to his room and sat down "what happened?"

"M-My dad" I put my face in my hands. He immediately grabbed my chin and turned my face examining the bruise on my jaw

"Did he do this?" He asked and his voice cracked on the last word.

I slowly nodded. I pulled my knees to my chest and just broke down. He's never hit me... never.

Reece sat beside me "what happened?"

"H-He was talking about how my mother abandon me and how it was my fault" I cried looking at him "but it wasn't my fault"

He rubbed my back "Lena, you need to tell someone"

"I am, I'm telling you" I said quietly

"I know but Lena I'm trying so hard right now not to go to your house and fuck him up" he admitted

I stared at the floor "he's a terrible person. He'd probably shoot you"

"Princess..." he paused "you can stay here, I'll talk to mom"

I looked at Reece "why are you helping me?"

"Because Lena, no one deserves to be treated like that. Not you not anyone" he whispered and got up. He walked to his closet "I'd get you something out of Audrey's room but her doors locked. She locks it when she leaves" he pulled out a large shirt and and so sweatpants "here"

I changed into it. The pants were big but the shirt was comfortable. I knocked on his door and walked in. He was lying down "I know you probably don't want to but you're staying in here with me tonight"

I wasn't in the mood for arguing, I was emotionally drained. He handed me an ice pack "thank you" I squeaked

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