Chapter 33: Fake Accent

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Elena's POV

I looked up at Reece, he's sleeping so peacefully. I kissed his jawline and he opened one eye "yes?"

"I'm bored" I pouted

He shook his head "Then go do something"

"Like what? It's raining again" I sat up

"What time is it?" He asked

"Almost midnight" I sighed "I'm not going to school"

"Why not" he sighed "Lena you have to"

"Well you're not gonna be there so I don't wanna" I crossed my arms "I'll just stay here and watch tv"

He thought for a minute "or you can come with me"

I raised an eyebrow "way what now"

"Well pretty much everyone there knows about you and my boss told me that he wouldn't force you into the 'gang'" he did air quotes "so you can meet everyone"

I nodded "sounds fun"

He sat up and put his hand on my jaw "I haven't kissed you all damn day"

"What are you waiting for?" I asked

He smiled and pressed his lips on to mine. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder "Reece this is kid napping!"

"No it's not" he laughed

I punched his shoulder and he let go. I tumbles on to the floor "ouch"

He picked me up "go back to sleep"

I nodded and yawned. We laid back down and I drifted to sleep.


"Elena let's go!" Reece yelled

I groaned and walked downstairs "it's so early"

"Elena it's noon" he sighed

I yawned "I don't care"

"Just get in the car" he said and grabbed the keys. We went out to the car. I just scrolled through Instagram until we got there.

I stepped out "this place looks scary"

"Lena... it literally doesn't" he chuckled and grabbed my hand. We walked inside and everyone looked at us "Guys this is Elena. Lena this is Aj, Ben, Aaron, Morgan, Ethan, Ron, and Trent. Everyone else has the day off" he paused "oh Trent doesn't talk either, he's mute. Some shit happened a couple years, we all thought he'd snap out of it but he never did"

Kayne and Dylan walked in "Lena!" Kayne yelled and engulfed me in a hug.

I patted his back "h-hey Kayne... I can't breathe"

He let go "Sorry Len"

I laughed "It's ok"

We went to the meeting room and sat down. I sat next to Reece and he held my hand, tight "ok boys there's a mission. Does anyone in here have a small waist? There's a window and only someone small can fit in"

"We're all built men" Kayne spat "Do we look little? I mean ha, my other guy isn't even that little"

I chocked on my water "Kayne that's gross"

Reece chuckled "continue Sam"

"Anyway the big guy will be there. We need to take him out, I need someone to get in that window and unlock the door so we can bring our men in. Now Henry will be in the corner of the club, you'll come in at the side" he paused "The Mayhem has to live on and with him alive it won't"

"Whoa I thought you didn't kill people unless they were witnesses" I said

"Well we're starting a new thing where we kill anyone in our way" the guy said

"Oh" I parted my lips and looked at Reece who was focused on the mission.

He looked at me in the corner of his eye "yes?"

"Nothing" I smiled and looked back at the guy talking.

"Now who's the smallest in here?" Sam asked

Everyone looked at me "oh hell no"

Reece looked at them "are you crazy! Her mouth would get her killed"

"He's not wrong" Dylan added

I glared at him "shut up"

He laughed "seriously she can't"

"She can and she will" Sam said

Reece shook his head "No she won't. She's a smartass, someone will shoot her before she can open the door plus I don't like the idea of sending my girl in there"

I looked at Sam and he sighed "Reece this has to happen, he's going to kill us one by one if we don't stop him"

"I'll be fine Reece" I whispered in his ear

He looked down at me "as long as I can go with her until we get to the window to keep her safe"

"Deal" Sam nodded "load up" everyone left the room except me and some other guy

"Hmm maybe you getting shot wouldn't be the worst thing" someone said behind me

"What'd you say fake accent?" I asked and turned around

"Fake accent? Bloody hell you're stupid" he laughed

"No it's definitely a fake accent" I put my hand on my hip

"Oh you little bitch. If you aren't a girl I'd-" I cut him off

"You'd what? Hit me? Got ahead!" I said with a smirk

He swung and I ducked kneeing him in the balls "someone doesn't like the idea of someone calling them out on their fake accent" I laughed

He grabbed my arm "I could easily put a bullet in your head"

"Do it, I dare you!" I said stepping closer. I took the gun off the table and handed it to him "go on"

He sat it down "I would but we have a mission cupcake. But after the mission you better watch your back" he walked away and when he reached the doorway I grabbed a tape dispenser. I launched it his direction and it hit him on the head. He hit the ground and I covered my mouth "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped "Trent!"

He smiled and waved "you really don't talk do you?"

He shook his head and looked at the guy lying on the ground. He snickered and walked past him. Reece walked in looking at the guy "what happened?"

"He threatened me so I threw a tape dispenser at him" I said trying not to laugh

He looked at me "Lena what the hell"

"Reece he said he was gonna put a bullet in my head" I frowned

"Wait did you say you hit him with a tape dispenser?" He asked and I nodded. He started laughing "we gotta go"

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