Chapter 41: She's Not Wrong

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Elena's POV

"Hey Caleb can I have your pizza?" I asked and sat at the lunch table. It's now Tuesday, I haven't talked to Reece in 5 days. I have to go to the airport around 5 to pick him and the guys up. He handed me his pizza "thank you"

"No problem Lena" he smiled "I'm not hungry plus coach says I'm gaining to much"

"Fuck the coach! You're like one of the most fit guys I've ever met" I frowned

Lauren nodded "she's not wrong"

Audrey sighed "I wanna go to sleep"

"I know" I rubbed her back "You're staying home when I go to the airport"

"Why" she sighed

"Because I don't wanna hear you complaining the whole time" I said "plus you need to sleep"

She nodded "fine"

Madison, Sophie, Amaya and Chris walked over to us. I rolled my eyes "what? You've been doing so good and leaving us alone"

I heard Lauren laugh beside me

"I haven't seen Reece around... did he finally leave you?" Madison smiled

"Honey, Reece is just busy" I stood up "now if you don't go away I'd be happy to show you to a different table"

She rolled her eyes "is that a threat?"

"Now honey it's a fucking promise" I snapped and sat back down

A blueberry smacked her right in the forehead and we all looked at Caleb "what I thought that it would give some color to her face. She's as pale as a fucking vampire. What foundation do you even use?"

Chris walked over and jerked Caleb out of his seat. Lauren and I both stood up "let him go asshole!"

He raised his fist to hit Caleb. I walked over and punched Chris in the side of his jaw and he let Caleb go screaming in anger. He swung at me and Caleb tackled him. I pulled Caleb off of Chris and held him back "Calm down" I whispered

Caleb took a breath "I'm sure Reece won't be to happy when he finds out you tried to hit Lena"

"I'm sure I don't care" Chris laughed

I clenched my fists "Go. Away."

He walked closer to me and I took a step closer "What's you say?" He smirked

"I said go away" I growled and shoved him back. He chuckled and put his arm around Madison. They all walked away and I looked at Caleb "A blueberry? Really? Why couldn't you have thrown a chair?"

He laughed "well I'd be dead right now if I would've done that"

I shrugged "Eh true"

I sat back down and went through Snapchat "Hmm Audrey did you snap the fight?"

"Yes I did" she smiled "I'm waiting for Reece to see it"

"You're evil genius" Lauren laughed

"And he seen it" she smirked then began typing "I got the part where he tried to hit you too"

I decided to watch the video myself "oh my god you even got the part where the blueberry hit her!"

"I'm now waiting for Chris to see it" she laughed and we all looked at Chris. His eyes widen and he slowly looked up form his phone. He looked at us and I gave him a bitchy wave then looked at Audrey.

"You're awesome" Lauren laughed

"Yeah you're babies gonna be badass" Caleb laughed then ate a blueberry

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