Chapter 37: Shoot To Kill Aim To Scare

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Elena's POV

I held his hand tight before he got on to the plane. He looked at me "Princess, while I'm gone you need to be on your best behavior"

I nodded slowly "Jesus if something happens to you"

"Baby I'll be fine" he assured and kissed my forehead "I'll text you when I the plane lands I promise"

"Wait if bitch face and her minions say something to me do I have permission to go all 'right hit left hit! Dick punch' on them?"

"Well seeing how they're all chicks with no dicks I guess" he chucked

"Oh we could ask Chris. He's obviously slept with all of them. Ew to you think the had a threesome?" I gagged

"Babe I'm gonna go before his gets weird, well weirder. I love you"

"I love you too" I pressed my lips on to his "wait what you'd you tell your mom?"

"That I was going to look at modeling programs" he said


"Yes princess?"

"Shoot to kill aim to scare" I whispered


"I read it somewhere"

"Oh ok" he kissed my forehead and slowly walked away "Next Tuesday be right here"

"Next Tuesday... seems like forever" I looked down

"Hey! Don't do that" he sniffled "you're gonna make me cry"

"Oh my god is Reece Parker gonna cry" I laughed

"I'm gonna go" he smiled and kissed my hand. He let go of it and began to walk away "oh fuck it" he turned around and walked really fast towards me. Be put his hands around my waist and lifted me up. His lips met my lips and our tongues swirled together. He pulled away "now I really gotta go"

"Bye Charming"

"Bye Princess" he smiled and disappeared in the crowd. I slowly walked to the car and started it. I drove back home

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