Chapter 46: What The Hell Did He Inject Me With?

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Reece's POV

I jumped out of the car and ran down the alley. All I found was a needle and her phone. I threw the needle against the wall causing it to shatter. I ran my finger through my hair "damnit!"

Elena's POV

I slowly opened to eyes and sat up "let me out of here you bitch!"

"Shut up" the guy ordered

I walked up to the door "How long have I been here?"

"2 days" he mumbled

"And I'm just now waking up? What the hell did he inject me with!" I yelled

"He overdosed you" he said "now go sit down and shut up"

I gasped "Reece!"

"He can't hear you from here" he growled

"Hey scary dude... can I go?"

He turned to me "no"

This guy was tall, brown hair and green eyes. His hair was kinda curly and shaved on the sides. He was built and tan "please?"

"No!" He yelled "now sit down!"

"Make me" I crossed my arms

He threw open the door and grabbed both of my shoulder lifting me off the ground "ow you're hurting me!" He threw me on the bed

"Stay!" He yelled

I stood up "no"

He frowned "Sit. Now."

I smirked "Make. Me." I crossed my arm "see you can't"

He shoved me on to the floor "Now! Sit your ass down and don't say another word!"

"Word word word!" I yelled "I'm saying words!"

If looks could kill I'd be 6 feet under. I smiled "Hey scary guy?"

"What" he growled

"Hey are you so mean?"

"I'm just easily annoyed" he frowned "and you my friend-"

I cut him off "bitch we aren't even close to being friends. Now get me out of here and we'll consider it"

He laughed "you're dreaming"

"I wish. I wish this was a dream so I can wake up in Reece's arms and see him beautiful smile. I wanna kiss him his perfect lips" I started crying "I just want Charming!"

He stared "I'm not the one that kidnapped you"

"I want Reece!" I screamed

"Well too bad!" He yelled at me

I jumped back "no need to yell"

"You did this! You spoiled bitch!"

I began to cry again "Don't be mean!"

"Why? Honey Reece's money can't even get you out of this. Hell not even your families money"

"I-I don't have a family" I whispered

"Everyone's got a family"

"Well I don't. Unless you count a dead sister, a brother you haven't seen in 2 years, an abusive dad and a mother who abandon you" I looked down "Reece's is all I have... except my friends"

He just shut the door and locked it "boss will be down in a little bit"

I cuddled my knees to my chest and continued to cry. I miss Reece so much

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