Chapter 59: Why Do You Look Like That?

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Reece's POV

I walked outside and drove home. Many thoughts running through my head. I lost Elena and now Sophie was trying to make it seem like I chose her over my princess. Well news flash bitch, I didn't! It's been a week and a half now, Lena's been in school for 4 days so that makes 10 days since the break up.

I pulled into the driveway and seen Audrey's car was gone. I walked inside and seen my mom and my 11 year old cousin Lily "Hey mom"

"Hey honey, how ya feeling?" She asked

"Terrible" I sighed "I miss her"

"I know... Sophie had no right to do that" she sighed "I told you now to let her in your room"

"Well I had to get her to stop... I'm gonna take a shower" I hugged her "I love you"

"I love you too" she rubbed my back

Elena's POV

"Cross my heart hope to die to you I'd never lie. For I'd take a life-" I cut Audrey off

"Oh my god Audrey!" I scolded as we pulled into her driveway

I got out and looked at the house "it's ok" Audrey rubbed my back. Caleb put his arm around my shoulder and we walked in. Diana hugged me "Lena! It's good to see you again"

"You too" I smiled and we pulled away.

Audrey smiled then we heard someone tumbles down the stairs "shit!"

We all looked at Reece and we made eye contact. I quickly looked away and Lily ran in "Elena!"

I smiled and hugged her. I've only met her twice but I like her, she reminds me of Audrey. She looked up at my face "Ew"

"What do you mean ew?" I asked and we pulled apart

"Why do you look like that?" She asked

"Oh what? I know my glorious face" I laughed

"I was gonna ask why you look like you're off the walking dead but ok" she sighed "But seriously why?"

"This is what relationships do. Don't ever get in one" I said

"Well I'm not an idiot so we won't have a problem there" she smirked and walked away

I looked at Audrey and pointed towards Lily "Did you hear her!"

"Yes loud and clear. You're a walker" she laughed

I crossed my arms "Fine whatever"

Caleb laughed and I glared at him "Shut up Morris"

"Only if you do.... Adams" he chuckled

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