Chapter 44: I Said Men

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Reece's POV

I smiled at Elena, she's currently sleeping with her arm across my chest and she's wearing my shirt. My beautiful princess "Lena"

She opened her eyes "Reece I'm trying to sleep"

"But we have school" I whispered "go take a shower"

She frowned and got up "damn Reece my legs do hurt"

"I told you I wasn't going easy" I chuckled "I never would've thought you were a bouncer"

"Shut up" she shut the bathroom door and I laid against the backboard. I waited for her to get out. She walked out in a cute blue dress that went to her knees and black heeled ankle boots. Her head was straightened "Babe"

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow

"You're staring" she whispered

"Because you look gorgeous" I smiled

"Take a shower Parker" she walked out of the room and I just laughed. The girl hates compliments!

After my shower I walked downstairs and kissed her head.

Audrey shook her head "You guys are gross"

"Says the pregnant one" Elena laughed

"I don't know Lena, after last night you actually might be pregnant" I chuckled

"Why do you say that?" She asked

"Because you my love, like it rough" I said

"Eww" Audrey gagged

"Shut up" I said grabbing a donut "Oh by the way Audrey, Kayne said that he's already almost here"

"I know" she said getting up and walking outside. I looked at Lena and smiled

"What?" She asked

"Nothing, just looking at my angel" I handed her a donut

She blushed "Shut up"

"I'm pretty sure you've told me to shut up like 100 times today" I chuckled and we walked to my car. She slid in the passenger seat.

Elena's POV

I got a message from my brother "Hey babe, my brothers gonna be here in 3 weeks so don't be all lovey dovey"

He sighed "why not?"

"Because it's my brother" I sighed and looked at him

We pulled up to the school and I jumped out "let's go!"

We went into first period. Caleb and Reece sat on both sides of me. I giggled "look at the two most important men in my life sitting with me" I pulled them into a hug

"Ouch" Kayne said from behind me

"I said men" I laughed

"Ouch again" he said with an amused smile. Amaya, Madison, and Sophie *cough* slut bags *cough* walked in. I gave her a small wave and she just shook her head with a grin on her face.

Reece kissed my cheek and I looked at him "yes?"

"I just wanted to kiss you" he smiled and Lauren sighed "what?"

"You two need to just let it all out" she laughed

"Oh you should've seen us last night" Reece blurted

I covered my mouth. Lauren and Caleb exchange looks. Kayne pats Reece's back "Good going bro"

"Reece! We don't share our sexual stories with our friends!" I yelled

I slowly looked at the class who was currently staring at us. Reece chuckled "Love, you just shared it with the class"

I couldn't say anything. I did laugh when I seen the 3 bimbos faces, they're pissed. I smirked at them then looked at Reece "I still can't walk right" I whispered

"Ew! Gross!" Lauren yelled and gagged "I don't wanna hear if you can walk right or not!"

"Damn babe keep this up and the whole school will know about our sex life" Reece chuckled

"Not about the role playing" I giggled

"That's it I'm done! Fuck this! I'm having nightmares!" Caleb yelled

"I'm kidding" I smirked "we haven't done role play... yet"

Reece's face turnt red and I mean tomato red "Aw I made Reece Parker blush!"

Caleb started laughing along Lauren. Kayne eventually threw his head back in laughter and Reece's face got redder. I smiled "I love you Charming"

"I love you too Princess but the role playing... damn now I wish you would've worn that outfit last night so I'd know what I was getting in to" Reece stared at me

"You mean that sexy nurse outfit I got you?" Lauren asked "I can see it now 'Hello Mr. Parker, are you here for your free physical' oh and Reece will be like 'Yes ma'am, just put your hand here and get stared'!"

I stared in horror "Damn I feel bad for the people you've slept with"

Reece just put his head on the desk and let out a yell of frustration "This is getting disgusting"

"Oh my god you wanna hear about disgusting! I can see you and Elena fucking in my mind! Yeah that shits permanent now!" Caleb yelled "like it's never going away!"

Kayne laughed again "Damn... you must be really good Reece"

Reece looked at Kayne "what?"

"I mean role play? It takes a lot to do that" he chuckled "You must pleasure her hard"

"Kayne! I just said I'm having mental images of them fucking! Now I'm having images of him going hard at it!" Caleb yelled

"I bet I'm going harder than what you're imagining" Reece sung

"Ok guys you're gross" Caleb frowned

I laughed "Just saying... if we start doing role play, you're wearing whatever I say"

"Oh I will" Reece winked at me

"I'm done" Caleb got up and left the class as he bell rang "Ok I'm back! But after this class no! No that was disturbing! No more sex talk!" Caleb frowned and sat beside me again

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