Chapter 15: Make A Stand Against Reece

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Elena's POV

I opened my eyes and Reece was still gone. I sat up and looked at the time "3:10 a.m." I opened the door and walked across the hall to knock on Audrey's door "Audrey?"

Audrey's parents went on a business trip after Reece left last night so it's just me and Audrey here. Her door opened "yeah?"

"Have you seen Reece?" I asked

"Nah, he left last night" she yawned

"Yeah I know" I sighed then I seen someone hit her in he back of the head and she hit the floor unconscious "Audrey!"

I backed up as the guy stepped closer "who are you?"

He ignored my question and ran at me. I screamed and ran down the stairs, I hid in the pantry with my knees cuddled into my chest. I could feel my heartbeat beating fast. What if he killed Audrey... what if he killed Reece?

I began to cry. I heard the footsteps go back up stairs so I left the pantry. I slowly walked up the stairs. I peeked my head above the floor to see what was going on. He kneeled down next to Audrey to check her pulse "I'm here. And the girl hid, I'll find her"

"You better" the guys said "we need to kill her and make a stand against Reece"

My eyes widen when I seen him pull out a knife and put against her wrist "stop!" I screamed and stood up

He stood up and walked towards me. I backed up and tumbled down the stairs. I tried to crawl away from him but the grabbed my leg. I kicked him in the balls and ran towards he table. I crawled underneath of it "leave me alone" I cried

He yanked me out from under it and pinned me against the floor. He put his hands on my throat and began to squeeze. I punched him in the jaw and he let go of me. I opened the front door and ran off the porch. Suddenly cars began to pull up. I backed up against the brick wall "p-please"

A guy jumped out and walked towards me "don't move" he tried to grab my arm

I smacked his hand away "don't touch me pencil dick"

More cars pulled in but except they weren't like the other cars... they were Reece's, Dylan's and Kayne's cars. The guy grabbed my head and slammed it into the brick wall. I fell to the ground holding my head. Ow! Bitchnut

Reece jumped out "get away from her!"

Reece ran to me and picked me up "are you ok?"

I just hugged him "Audrey" I whispered

Kayne's eyes widen as he darts into the house. I just continued to hug Reece as the bad dudes drove away in panic. He held me tight in his arms "I'm so sorry Lena"

I pulled away looking up at him "I'm scared Reece"

"I know" he whispered "I'm not gonna leave your side"

We went into the house. He got me an ice pack and he checked in Audrey. Today was terrible, guess we're not going to school later.

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