Chapter One

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After grabbing lunch from a local dinner Sutton arrives home to her empty apartment sighing to herself wondering what it would of been like if her parents were still alive, after moving here with her aunt who raised her in the sixth grade Sutton excelled in school then her aunt was diagnosed with cancer and between taking care of her and school Sutton managed to still keep her grades up, a couple months ago her aunt no longer had fight left in her and died leaving Sutton not only everything her parents earned but everything she owned as well seeing as it was so close to her 18th birthday the court allowed Sutton access to everything that was left to her as long as she stayed in school and found an apartment the next day she was signing the lease to a two bedroom and moved her belongings in. Now that she was eighteen she didn't need to worry about anything and financially she was taken care of for the rest of her life.

Before long the food could no longer keep her attention from drawing back to Axel,should she meet with him and hear him out the logic part was screaming in fear but another part was begging her to go see him picking up her phone she scrolled through her contacts to his name taking a deep breath she texted him : 

S- Hi

She felt dumbfounded on what to say and anxiety took over that she didn't say anything smoother than hi but not a minute later three dots indicated he was typing back 

A- Hello Kitten :)

S- You said when I was ready to contact you, I don't know what's going on but im willing to hear you out

A- Thank you, Are you busy tonight?

Sutton thought for a moment was she really going to do this, taking a breath she bit the bullet

S- no im not busy

A- okay how about I pick you up in twenty minutes and well go place and talk 

S- okay, dont you need my address?

A- No kitten Ill always know where to find you, see you shortly :)

Sutton wasn't sure what she had gotten herself into her heart was racing and she was unsure anymore if it was from fear or excitement, not having much time she went to her room to change out of the clothes she had worn to school putting on a burnt colored loose t-shirt and jean ripped shorts lightly touching up the little bit of make up she had on. It wasn't long before her door bell rang taking a deep breath to steady herself she opened the door 

Axel stood there in a tight fighting grey t-shirt and the same deep blue jeans with acid wash in the middle that he wore to school but instead of the grey beanie he had on hours earlier he now wore a black on, Sutton couldn't think of another man ...

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Axel stood there in a tight fighting grey t-shirt and the same deep blue jeans with acid wash in the middle that he wore to school but instead of the grey beanie he had on hours earlier he now wore a black on, Sutton couldn't think of another man she'd ever seen in her life that was more attractive then the one standing there in front of her. He smiled at her as he caught her checking him out making her blush a deep red  " I cant still smell the fear rolling off of you kitten and I just want you to know your safe with me I would never let anyone hurt you" he smoke first making her blush again at the statement that he could smell her it wasn't a human thing to say but seeing as he wasn't human Sutton shouldn't be surprised. He reached his hand out for her to take which she with out a second thought she did but as she took hold of his firm grip tingles shot through her entire body making seem like she came alive, locking her front door he lead her toward his car opening her door like a gentleman and closing it behind her.

'This is it Sutton no turning back now' she whispered to herself as Axel made his way around the car to the driver side, once he started the car and pulled off Sutton snuck a peak at him " why do you call me kitten?" she asked curiously, he chuckled " I don't know from the moment I saw you reminded me of a scared kitten then once I kept visiting you and you got use to me you opened up more kinda like a kitten when the owners first bring it home once it's use to the environment it's full personality shines" Sutton remained quiet after that only the sounds of the soft radio could be heard until she realized they had been driving for a while " where are you taking me?" she asked her fear spiking for a moment. Axel looked her slightly knowing she was nervous " Your safe" he reminded her " and I figured we'd go to my favorite place where we can talk uninterrupted actually where here" he finished as he pulled onto a dirt path leading to a dirt like empty parking are. 

" is this the part where u kill me?" Sutton ask half jokingly as she looks around and there's nothing but trees, her slight joke makes Axel cut his eyes to her as if to say really " no Sutton im not going to kill you, the spot we're going to is just around those trees" Sutton shook her head in understanding and from not being able to form words after hearing her name come from his lips for the first time. She took his out reached hand and again tingles shot through her and she couldn't control the sigh that fell from her lips when he touched her it was like she was a broken puzzle and his touch was that last missing piece. He lead her around the tree's like he said and Sutton stopped dead in her tracks in front of her was the meadow him and her had visited the last few weeks in her dream just like him she thought it wasn't real the daisy's all looked the same even the way the sun shone down through the trees only lighting up some of the field leaving the other part in the shade and in the middle where the flower's cleared out say the white blanket that was always waiting on her.

Sutton was speechless as Axel lead her to the blanket both sitting facing one another " how?" she finally was able to form something coherent  " This is my favorite spot on my land "Axel answers Sutton shakes her head at first before she remembered something " wait your land , i thought only Al-", " I am the Alpha of the Thorn pack" Axel finished for her leaving her speechless once again so Axel continued " I know the stories people have told since we made ourselves know paint us out to not be very good but I can promise you there's more lies to those stories than there is truth we dangerous don't get me wrong but we don't show that unless someone means us or someone we care about or love I am the Alpha of the Thorn pack the biggest pack around which make's me in my world the most powerful and the most feared when it came time for us to reveal ourselves I was the one that had to approach the government about it. People painted stories that we came out to show humans we we're the top of the food chain that story is wrong we revealed who we we're so there wouldn't be anymore secrets, this meadow as i stated before is apart of my land it stretches for miles" Axel paused a moment to make sure Sutton was still following in which she gave signal for him to carry on as she was still listening.

" I first saw you in the little diner hidden in town I was across the street passing time in the little shops around there some of the older retired wolves in my pack own and manage those shops, as you walked the sidewalk up to the door your sent filled my nose and I couldn't help but follow it to see who the smell of fresh strawberries and Vanilla  it belonged too and as I entered the establishment there you sat in a booth towards the back with your hair tied in a bun I went to approach you until I realized you wasn't eighteen year so everything I was feeling you had no clue about so I started visiting you in your dreams I can only do it while in my wolf from so that was why I could never shift back and actually talk to you" Sutton sat frozen processing the words that he just told her she remembered that day something felt off to her but she couldn't out her finger on it three days after that day she turned eighteen.

" I still don't understand why though your a werewolf ,the most powerful Alpha in the world Iv heard about you I just never imagined you being so young but still why though out of everyone in this town why did you become so fascinated with me Im not one" Sutton asked still clueless and confused 

" Because Kitten, your my mate" Axel smiled as he told her 

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