Chapter Fifteen

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The next day things returned to the normal they had been the last few weeks everyone was up eating breakfast at 8 am and by 9 they were training or running patrols Sutton was currently running her first five mile run of the day this time with Brendan while Axel was in the training grounds with the warriors, since the time Brendan and his pack had been here Sutton had had the time to get to know them Brendan was mate less and had even visited other packs looking for his mate with no luck the only pull he's ever felt in life was to run his pack and be there to help with this war he was unsure why that was as he had been around most of the she wolfs in the Thorn pack and none was his mate so it baffled not only him but Sutton and Axel as well. Once they were finished with their run they joined Axel and the others in training. To Sutton the air felt off to her but nothing was out of the normal so she pushed it aside and continued sparing with Asher laughing at him getting huffy that she kept knocking him on his ass, before long it was her against Axel with everyone else it was easy to put them on their ass but it was always Axel who put her on her's but not today Sutton was determined to end his winning streak even if she had to play dirty. They started circling each other Axel smirked as everyone on the sidelines cheered for one of the Alphas " you ready Kitten?" he asked still smirking " I was born ready Alpha" and at her words Axel pounced surprising Sutton almost throwing her off balance but she quickly recovered and dodged his swipe " oh the kitten actually learned something " Axel teased causing Sutton to growl and swipe at him just barely missing him as Axel wasn't expecting it. After their teasing Axel put his game face on and they went at after five minutes Sutton realized she would have to play dirty in order to win and she knew exactly how taking advantage of Axel turning around she darted towards him jumping on his back and just like she knew he would he threw her off. flipping in the air so no one would see how she landed making it look as if she lost her footing and landed on her wrist she grabbed it fake whimpering as she scooted away as soon as Axel seen this he was instantly at her side " let me see baby" Sutton looked up smirking and realization sunk in to Axel as she swiped his legs causing him to end up on his back as she straddled him bring her canines forward right at his neck. Then she whispered in his ear " gotcha Alpha" she returned her canines to her gums as she kissed his cheek and flipped her head causing her hair tie to come undone and her hair to cascade down her back and shoulders. The once silent crowd went crazy Axel huffed and jumped up coming up behind Sutton to whisper in her ear " that wasn't fair kitten and you know it but ill give you your win for now" he smacked her ass causing her to gasp, plastering a satisfied smirk on Axel's face as he walked off.

That night the gang decided to head into town and grab dinner together truthfully Sutton was so tired of pizza and was to exhausted to cook so they choose a little diner that made just about anything, the boys went for burgers and fries as Sutton choose chicken and waffles with a side of cheese fries, afterwards they walked the strip toward an ice cream parlor Seth and Asher was a little ahead shoving each other joking around while Brendan and Spencer laughed at their dumbness. Axel and Sutton walked a little bit behind them enjoying their alone time Axel has his arm slung over Sutton's shoulder pulling her close, in that moment they were happy content what they didn't know was moments later everything was changing. Alarms rang out everywhere causing the six to pause and look at each other Axel quickly brought Sutton into his arms and kissed her " I love you " he whispered she had just enough time to whisper it back before he broke away instantly changing into his wolf and running toward the pack the others did the same as Sutton felt she was in slow motion before she remembered her role in this. She shifted instantly running after her mate it took her no time to catch up with him he glanced to his right slightly to make sure it was her and they howled together informing their pack members they were coming. 

As they entered the clearing there was wolves fighting everywhere Rogues coming in from different directions it took Sutton no time after seeing a much larger Rogue pinning a younger she wolf warrior to the ground going for the kill. Sutton's paw's hit the ground as she flew through the air attacking the Rogue instantly snapping his neck, the she wolf bowed her head in appreciation and joined back into the flight. Sutton took a moment to look around she seen Axel and the others had joined in she so far didn't see any of her pack as the fallen on the ground Sutton was too engrossed in making sure her pack was okay that she didn't sense the wolf sneaking up behind her until they had her on the ground she held the jaw's of the wolf as their teeth came close to biting her neck until they shifted back to human form throwing a punch in her face. Darcy's naked form straddled her throwing punching breaking and re breaking her nose " told you I was coming for you bitch" Darcy went to send another punch in her face until a wolf flipped over her sending Darcy flying back as she changed in her wolf mid air. The wolf that helped was Axel he looked at Sutton and back at Darcy growling, the Alpha's took off Sutton instantly shifting back but Darcy took one look at the pair tucking her tail she ran into the woods, Sutton almost let out a wolfy laugh until a whimper from her right caused her to jerk around . A wolf had a very injured Seth pinned and Seth strength was failing as the wolves teeth got closer  Sutton took off after realizing Axel was already attacking another wolf trying to make it to Seth as well. Sutton jumped flying over another wolf and in mid air shifted to her human form flipping grabbing the Rogue off Seth and snapping his neck instantly, Seth was barely conscious when he was forced to shift back Sutton lifted him throwing his shoulder over hers and helping him to the tree line away from the flight. She grabbed a t shirt from one of the hiding holes in the trees and slipped it over her head she was making sure Seth was hidden from the fight when a wolf whistle echoed from behind her. 

Spinning on her heels a man in his early forty's was looking her up and down as if she was a piece of meat " its been too long Ms. Woods" he basically pureed liking what he seen " not long enough" Sutton growled standing protectively in front of Seth. " So you do remember who I am " he smirked probably one of the most sinister grins Sutton had ever seen " I know who you are Phoenix I know my father trusted you and you betrayed not only him but your pack for what power?! That you haven't even had in these what 15 years because and here's the kicker a 5 year old girl little ole me " Sutton smirked back at him knowing she pissed him off when his eyes change to black and he growls " you little bitch, can't keep your mouth shut just like your mother" he spat at her and now it was Sutton's turn to growl. Sutton had a secret weapon not even Axel knew about in between breaks Sutton was researching and eventually found out the reason Phoenix was so crazy " Don't you have a mate to be with Phoenix" Sutton asked Phoenix's eyes darken more as he growled growing claws from his fingers " oh that's right she was killed and my father couldn't save her isn't that right and her lost pushed you over the edge so you killed my mother and father as revenge and then you became your wife's killer so in turn it looks like you killed her" at my final words Phoenix shifts and charges toward me not before a now slightly healed Seth shifts and jumps over me attacking him. They go at for a few minutes until Phoenix flings Seth to the side making his body hit a tree with a whimper and then he was still Sutton screamed as Phoenix stalked toward her with Seth's blood dripping from his muscle. 

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