Chapter Three

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That night Sutton wondered as she laid down in bed if Axel was going to visit her again now that he made himself known would he need to visit her dreams secretly she hoped he would come in the little time they was together Sutton found it hard to tell him goodbye just a few short hours ago and there was the fact that she just found out her best friend was a werewolf ,Seth had numerous sleepovers and not once had he ever mentioned that but she knew a little why thought while  he knew she was fascinated by the wolves but also scared  he wouldn't want to ruin their friendship. Slowly her eyes began to drift shut and soon she was surrounded by flowers with her wolf waiting on her he gave her a wolfy grin as she sat on the blanket and smiled at him this time he didn't stay back he came right up to her and laid his head in her lap automatically she reached out scratching behind his ears which he growled out approvingly.

'Im sorry Kitten I couldn't stay away' His voice drifted into her mind ' its been driving me crazy since I dropped you off earlier' Sutton nodded understanding as she felt the same way " why is it I can hear you in my head" she asked something she had wondered from the first time he visited her  ' Mates are able to communicate through a mind link but I can only do it while in wolf for the moment if you end up accepting me once I would mark you then you'll share a link with me in human form as well as a link to the pack' Axel explained excited that she was taking interest in werewolf things. " Why would I share a link with your pack?" she asked figuring now was perfect time than any to get more knowledge of what she would be getting into if she accepted him ' Where I am and Alpha and you as my mate would be Luna of the Thorn pack' Axel explained Sutton remembered what a Luna was and that scared her how could her a mere human be able to help run a pack of werewolves maybe fate had it wrong making her Axel's mate he deserved someone stronger that was capable of helping him run a pack, a growl from her lap broke her from her thoughts ' thats not true Sutton I would never want anyone else as my mate there's a reason you are my mate human or not, your a lot stronger than you give your self credit for once marked you'll also gain strength from me as well such as speed healing and more only thing a human can not gain from a mate is a wolf but other aspects will come with the bond' Axel growled through her mind clearly not liking the low thoughts of herself or the fact that she thought he deserved better than her.

They sat there chit chating and enjoying each other's company before Sutton started to get tired ' Can I pick you up and drive you to school tomorrow?' Axel asked which Sutton happily agreed to ' Ill see you in the morning sweet dreams kitten' Axel snuggled his head in her lap one last time as she disappeared opening her eyes in her room and slowly fading to sleep she swear she heard a wolf howl close by but sleep took her instantly.

They sat there chit chating and enjoying each other's company before Sutton started to get tired ' Can I pick you up and drive you to school tomorrow?' Axel asked which Sutton happily agreed to ' Ill see you in the morning sweet dreams kitten' Axe...

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In the morning Sutton dressed in a dark grey t-shirt dress pairing it with a cream colored cardigan running a tad behind she had just finishing getting ready when a knock at the door sounded signaling Axel was here, grabbing her bag and smiling she was opened the door. Axel let his eyes roam down her body almost like he was taking a mental picture an emotion past through his eyes before he quickly replaced it with admiration " Good morning" he finally spoke " good morning" Sutton replied taking his offered hand and leading her to his car. As like yesterday he opened and closed her door before making his way to the driver side " I will warn you now that our bond is growing Seth is going to be more protective of you as you are his Luna as will Asher because they have officially meet you, other pack members will also feel the need to be protective as they feel a change around the pack and I an protect you from everything but my sister shes dying to meet you" he chuckled while Sutton nodded " is she like scary hurt my brother and ill kill you in your sleep or no" Sutton joked making Axel full blown laugh " I wish actually she gave me a talk this morning saying if I hurt you she will cut my balls off in my sleep" Axel made a face of discomfort and at this Sutton laughed " well when I meet her?" she asked purely excited about a possible new girl friend "funny you should mention that as we both get out of school at the same time I was wondering if you would want to come back over instead of me taking you straight home" Sutton quickly agreed excited to be able to spend more time with him and being able to meet his sister.

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