21. The Spy Who Shoved Me

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I was on the Sky Deck with Caleb as Zack and Cody neared the end of their work shifts. Both of us cringed as Zack took a whiff of a smoothie glass which told me there was something gross in it. 

"Ugh! Ew!" Zack had a grossed-out expression.

"Wow, slow night," Cody commented as he sat at the juice bar, "Are you as bored as I am?"

"I was as bored as you. Then you showed up and now I'm even more bored."

That one didn't make any sense to me.

"The most fun I've had all night was cleaning out the lint trap in the laundry room," Cody added.

"Wow," Zack chuckled, "Next time, can I watch?"

I shook my head at him.

Just then, there was a noise that sounded like something metallic clinging to something heavy. The four of us glanced up to see that it was a grappling hook having clung to one of the deck chairs.

A person wearing a swimsuit climbed aboard. I had to guess whoever it was had been in the water for some time. The person peeled off the goggles and swimsuit revealing a man wearing a tux underneath it. Caleb, the twins, and I wondered who he was and what he had been doing somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

As the man stealthily moved about, a person wearing a black ski mask and dark clothes came from behind and attacked him. The man struck him back resulting in a brawl which made me think of some scenes from an espionage movie. Cody, Caleb, and I got behind the bar counter, joining Zack, and watched the scene play out. 

The man in the tux was about to head down the stairs assuming that the assailant was knocked out. However, the person in the ski mask grabbed the man who quickly yanked the former toward the stairs. The masked person leaned over the banister to keep from falling over as the man in the tux hit the former once again who then crashed into one of the deck tables.

Zack grinned at us finding it all exciting. The whole thing felt kind of off.

The man in the tux ended up tossing the masked person overboard, plus a life preserver.

"Europe is to the left," he told the assailant in what sounded like a British accent. 

"Things just got slightly less boring," Zack remarked happily.

Cody, Caleb, and I didn't say anything but only wondered who the man was.

"That was awesome!" Zack exclaimed at the man in the tux.

"We have to go tell Mr. Moseby," Cody suggested.

"Yeah, he'll wanna know that there's a stowaway on board," I nodded knowing my uncle would figure out that there was an unknown passenger on the ship since he kept record of who was on board.

"Are you guys kidding?" Zack turned to us, "He didn't even believe me when I told him the men's room is out of soap."

"Maybe because you never use soap," Cody frowned at him, "Now let's get outta here."

"I'm not getting any smoothies from him for a long time," Caleb turned to me with a grossed-out expression on realizing Zack had unsanitary hands.

I nodded in agreement.

"Gentlemen," the man in the tux somehow was in front of us, "And lady."

Cody had a startled expression at how he moved so fast without any of us seeing him.

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